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Browse by Author
A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V / W / X / Y / Z
W. S.
Waagen Gustav Friedrich
Waddell Helen
Waddington George
Wake William
Wakefield Edward Gibbon
Wakefield Priscilla
Walder James
Waldie Jane
Waldo Harold
Waldstein Charles
Waliszewski Kazimierz
Walker John
Walker Joseph Cooper
Walker Patrick
Walker Red. G.
Wall William
Wallace Alfred Russel
Wallace Edgar
Wallace Lew
Wallace Richard Horatio Edgar
Wallace William
Wallas Graham
Walling R.A.J.
Wallis Clarkson
Wallis H.M.
Wallis Henry M.
Wallis Henry Marriage
Wallis M.A.
Wallis Rosamund
Wallis Violet
Waln Nora
Walpole Horace
Walpole Hugh
Walpole Robert
Walpole (ed. Richard Bentley) Horace
Walpole, Lord Orford Horace
Walsh J.
Walsh John Benn
Walsingham Sir Francis
Walter Richard
Walton Isaac
Walton Isaak
Walton Izaak
Walton Mrs O.F.
Walton O.F.
Warburton Dr
Warburton Eliot
Warburton Mrs
Warburton William
Warburton [William]
Ward Artemus
Ward Christopher
Ward Frank Kingdon
Ward Josephine Mary
Ward Mary
Ward Mary Augusta
Ward Mary Augusta (Mrs Humphry)
Ward Mrs Humphrey
Ward Mrs Humphry
Ward Mrs. Humphry
Ward Robert
Warden William
Wardlaw Elizabeth, Lady
Wardlaw Ralph
Ware William
Warlock Peter
Warner Susan
Warner Sylvia Townsend
Warren Caroline Matilda
Warren Robert Penn
Warren Samuel
Warton Joseph
Warton Thomas
Wass[e] John
Waterland Daniel
Waterlow Sydney
Waterton Charles
Watkins John
Watkins Vernon
Watson ?Thomas
Watson Bishop
Watson Charles Moore
Watson Henry
Watson Richard
Watson Robert
Watson W.
Watson William
Watts A. A.
Watts Alaric
Watts Alaric A.
Watts Alaric Alexander
Watts Dr
Watts Isaac
Watts-Dunton Theodore
Waugh Evelyn
Wavell A. P.
Way Gregory Lewis
Weale B. L. Putnam
Webb Beatrice
Webb Beatrice and Sidney
Webb Mary
Webb Sidney and Beatrice
Webbe William
Weber Albrecht
Weber Henry
Weber Veit
Weber (ed.) Henry William
Webster Alexander
Webster Jean
Webster John
Wedderburn Webster James
Wedderburn Webster Lady Frances
Wedgwood A. Felix
Wedgwood Elizabeth
Wedgwood Frances Julia
Wedgwood Julia
Wedgwood Sarah Elizabeth
Weigal Arthur
Weinginer Otto
Weishaupt Adam
Welch Denton
Weld Isaac
Wellesley Dorothy
Wellesley Lord
Wellington Arthur Wellesley, Duke of
Wellington Hubert
Wells H G
Wells H. (Herbert) G. (George)
Wells H. G.
Wells H. G. (Herbert George)
Wells H. G.(Herbert George)
Wells H.(Herbert) G. (George)
Wells H.(Herbert) G.(George)
Wells H.G.
Wells Herbert George
Wells John
Wells Mary
Wells William Charles
Welsh Jane
Welsh Carlyle Jane
Wendell Barrett
Wendell Holmes Sir Oliver
Were M.M.
Werfel Franz
Werner Elisabeth
Werner Friedrich Ludwig Zacharias
Werth Alexander
Wesley Charles
Wesley John
Wesley ('the Younger') Samuel
West Jane
West Rebecca
Westall Richard
Westcomb Sophia
Westcott Brooke Foss
Weston Jessie L.
Weston Joseph
Weston Stephen
Westwood Thomas
Wetherall Alan
Wetherell E.
Wetherell Elizabeth
Wetherell (Warner) Elizabeth (Susan)
Weyman Stanley J.
Weyman Stanley John
Weymouth Richard
Wharton Edith
Wharton Henry
Whateley Richard
Whateley Thomas
Whately Elizabeth
Whately William
Wheatley John
Wheeler Benjamin
Wheeler Edward L.
Whewell William
Whiston William
Whitaker John
Whitaker Thomas Dunham
White Antonia
White Gilbert
White Henry Kirk
White Henry Kirke
White James
White Joseph Blanco
White Kirke
White T.H.
White William
Whitehead A. N.
Whitehead John
Whitehead Sarah R.
Whitehead William
Whitehorne Peter
Whitehurst John
Whitfield Thomas
Whitman Walt
Whittier John Greenleaf
Whymper Edward
Whyte-Melville George John
Wicksteed Philip H.
Widdowes Giles
Wieland Christoph
Wieland Christoph Martin
Wieland Christopher
Wiffin [ed. / trans.] Jeremiah Holmes
Wiggin Kate Douglas
Wilberforce Edward
Wilberforce Robert Isaac & Samuel
Wilberforce Samuel
Wilberforce William
Wilcox Ella Wheeler
Wild Robert
Wilde Oscar
Wilder Thornton
Wilensky R. H.
Wiley and Putnam (eds)
Wilhelmine Princess
Wilkes John
Wilkie William
Wilkins John
Wilkins Vaughan
Wilkinson John Gardner
Wilkinson Sir John Gardner
Wilkinson Spencer
Wilkinson Tate
Wilkinson Thomas
Wilkinson Walter
William of Tyre
William Rowley Thomas Heywood and
Williams Anna
Williams Edward
Williams Ethel
Williams Helen Maria
Williams Leonard Llewellyn Bulkeley
Williams Monier
Williams Sir Roger
Williams W. S.
Williamson Alice Muriel
Williamson Charles Norris
Williamson H
Williamson Henry
Williamson Sir Joseph
Willoughby William George
Wilson Edmund
Wilson General Sir Robert Thomas
Wilson Harriet
Wilson J. Dover
Wilson John
Wilson Maurice
Wilson Sir Robert Thomas
Wilson Thomas
Wilson (as Christopher North) John
Winawer Bruno
Winckelmann Johann Joachim
Windsor Kathleen
Wingate David
Winkelman Johann Joachim
Wirland Christopher Martin
Wise Mr
Wise Thomas James
Wiseman Cardinal
Wiseman Richard
Wister Owen
Withering Dr.
Withering William
Withers Hartley
Witkiewicz Stanisław
Wodehouse P. G.
Wodehouse P.G.
Wodehouse Pelham Grenville
Wodrow Robert
Wogan Charles
Wohlzogen Caroline
Wolf Friedrich August
Wolf Humbert
Wolf Johann Christoph
Wolfart Karl Christian
Wolfe John
Wolff Christian
Wollaston William
Wollstonecraft Mary
Wollstonecroft Mary
Wolseley Viscount Garnet
Wood Ellen
Wood Henry J.
Wood James
Wood Mrs Henry
Wood Mrs Henry [Ellen]
Wood Mrs. Henry
Woodhouse Sir Philip
Woods Frank Theodore
Woods George
Woodward E. L.
Woodward Edward
Woolaston William
Woolcot Alexander
Woolcott Alexander
Wooler T.J.
Wooler Thomas
Wooler Thomas Jonathan
Woolf Leonard
Woolf Virginia
Woolman John
Woolson Constance Fenimore
Wooton Henry
Wordsworth Adelaide
Wordsworth Christopher
Wordsworth Dorothy
Wordsworth Dr
Wordsworth Elizabeth
Wordsworth Wiliam
Wordsworth William
Wormeley Katherine Prescott
Worsfold W. Basil
Wortham H. E.
Wortley Montagu Lady Mary
Wortley Montagu Mary
Wortley Montague Lady Mary
Wotton Sir Henry
Wotton Thomas
Wrangham Francis
Wranghan Archdeacon
Wraxall Nathaniel
Wraxall Nathaniel William
Wren P.C.
Wright Abraham
Wright Chauncey
Wright Elizabeth
Wright F. A.
Wright Miss
Wright Thomas
Wycherley William
Wyllarde Dolf
Wyndham Lewis Percy
Wynne Elizabeth
Wyspiański Stanisław
Wyspianski Stanislaw
Wyss Johann
Wyss Johann David