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A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V / W / X / Y / Z
G Tiberius
Gaboriau Emile
Gachet de la Fournière Jean
Gage Thomas
Gagneur Louise Mignerot
Gaisford Thomas
Gaius Plinius Secundus
Galen Claudius
Galiani Ferdinando
Galiffe James
Galilei Galileo
Galindo Catherine
Gall Franz Joseph
Galland Antoine
Gallico Paul
Galsworthy John
Galt John
Gamble F.W.
Gambs Chretien-Hermann
Gandino Marco Antonio
Garden Francis
Garden, Lord Gardenstone Francis
Gardiner Theodore James Gordon
Garnet Richard
Garnett David
Garnett Edward
Garnett Olive
Garnett Richard`
Garnett Robert
Garrick David
Garrow Theodosia
Garschine Sophie
Garth Samuel
Garvey R
Garvice Charles
Garvin James Louis
Gascoigne George
Gascoigne Gwendolen Trench
Gaskell Elizabeth
Gaskell Elizabeth Cleghorn
Gaskell William
Gaspey Thomas
Gasser A. P.
Gatty Horatia Katharine Frances
Gauguin Paul
Gaurico Luca
Gausseron Bernard Marie Henri
Gautier Pierre Jules Théophile
Gautier Theophile
Gay John
Geddes Patrick
Gedye G.E.R.
Gee Edward
Geikie Archibald
Gell William
Gellert Professor
Gellius Aulus
Genevoix Maurice
Genlis Madame de
Genlis Mme de
Genlis Stephanie Felicite Brulart, comtesse de
Genlis Stephanie Felicite Ducrest de St aubin, Marquise de Silley, Comtesse de
Genlis Stephanie Felicite Ducrest de St-Aubin, comtesse de
Genlis Stephanie Felicite, Comtesse de
Genlis Brulart Stephanie de
Gentleman Tobias
George Henry
George Stefan
George W.L.
Georgel Jean Francois
Gerard John
Gerbier Sir Balth.
Gerhardi William
Gerhardi(e) William Alexander
Gerrish Frederic Henry
Gervinus Georg Gottfried
Gessner Salomon
Ghéon Henri
Ghil Ren
Giannone Pietro
Giannotti Donato
Gibbings Robert
Gibbon Edward
Gibbon Lewis Grassic
Gibbon Reginald Perceval
Gibbons Stella
Gibbs Philip
Gibbs Phillip
Gibson Edmund
Gibson W.W.
Gibson Wilfrid Wilson
Gide Andr
Gide Andre
Gielgud John
Gieseler Johann Karl Ludwig
Gifford C.H.
Gifford John
Gifford Wiliam
Gifford William
Gifforde George
Gifillan George
Gilbert W.S.
Gilbert William
Gilchrist Octavius
Gilder Richard Watson
Gildon Charles
Giles William
Gill Eric
Gilleade G
Gillespie Thomas
Gillies John
Gillies Mary
Gillies R. P.
Gillies R.P.
Gilly William Stephen
Gilman Charlotte Perkins
Gilpin William
Gingold Hermione
Gingrich Arnold
Ginguene Pierre Louis
Giono Jean
Giraud Giovanni
Girle G H
Gisborne John
Gisborne Thomas
Gisbourne Thomas
Gissing George
Gladstone W E
Gladstone W. E.
Gladstone William
Gladstone William Ewart
Gladwin Francis
Glanvill Joseph
Glasgow Ellen (Anderson Gholson)
Glaspell Susan
Glass Hannah
Glasse Hannah
Glasser Lilian
Glasser Mr
Gleig George Robert
Glenbervie Lord
Glenn Isa
Glover Richard
Glover Terrot Reaveley
Glyn Elinor
Goadby Edith
Goadby Lilian
Goadby Lillian
Goadby Miss
Godfrey [pseud. of Jessie Bedford] Elizabeth
Godin des Odonais Isabel
Godkin E. L.
Godwin Wiiliam
Godwin William
Goethe Johan Wolfgang
Goethe Johan Wolfgang von
Goethe Johann Wolfgang
Goethe Johann Wolfgang von
Goethe & Schiller
Gogol Nikolai
Gogol Nikolay Vasilevich
Goldenveizer A. B.
Goldfuss Georg August
Golding Louis
Goldings Lewis
Goldoni Carlo
Goldring Douglas
Goldscheid Rudolf
Goldsmith Oliver
Gollancz Victor
Gollownin [Captain]
Golovnin Vasily
Gomberville Martin le Roy de
Gomez Madame de
Gomm Sir William
Goncourt Edmond
Goncourt Edmond and Jules de
Goncourt Edmond de
Gooch George Peabody
Good John Mason
Goodman Margaret
Goodrich Edwin S.
Goodrich Louis
Gordon Adoniram Judson
Gordon Major Pryse Lockhart
Gordon Patrick
Gordon Pryce
Gordon, Lord Byron George
Gore Catherine
Gore Charles
Gorki Maxime
Gorky Maxim
Gosse Edmund
Gotthelf Jeremias
Gotz possibly Johann Nikolaus
Goulburn Edward Meyrick
Gould Nat
Gould Rupert Thomas
Gourgaud Gaspard
Gower John
Goyder George
Gozlan Leon
Gozzi Carlo
Graf von Berchtold Leopold
Graffigny Francoise de
Graffigny Madame de
Graham G. F. I.
Graham Maria
Graham Mrs R.B.
Graham R.B.
Graham W.S.
Grahame James
Grahame Kenneth
Grainger James
Grand Sarah
Granger James
Granger Rev J
Grant Allen
Grant Anne
Grant Duncan
Grant James
Grant of Laggan Anne
Grant White Richard
Grant Wilson E.[Elliot] L. [Lovegood]
Grant-Watson E. S.
Granville Mrs
Graunt John
Graves Richard
Graves Robert
Gray Thomas
Gray Thomas Gray
Graz Fr
Great Britain General staff War Office
Greathead Mr
Green Alexander
Green Alice Stopford
Green Henry
Green John Richard
Green Julien
Green T.H.
Green Thomas Hill
Greene R.
Greene Robert
Greenham Richard
Greenwall Harry J.
Greenwood Walter
Greg Sam
Greg William Rathbone
Gregg Cecil Freeman
Gregory Augusta, Lady
Gregory Dr John
Gregory George
Gregory James
Gregory John
Gregory Lady
Grenfell Julian
Greville Charles
Greville Charles C. F.
Greville Frances
Greville Fulke
Greville Richard Fulke
Greville Sir Fulke
Grew Nehemiah
Grey George
Grey Henry, Earl
Grey Herbert
Grey Lady Jane
Grey Lord
Grey Sir Henry George
Grey Thomas
Grey [Mrs]
Grey, Viscount Grey of Fallodon Edward
Grierson Constantia
Grierson Herbert J C
Grierson Mrs
Griffin Gerald
Griffith Elizabeth and Richard
Griffith Hubert
Grigson Frances
Grillparzer Franz
Grimm Friedrich Melchior
Grimm Friedrich Melchoir
Grimm Jacob and Wilhelm
Grimm [Brothers]
Grivel Guillaume
Grizzini (pseud. Lasca) Antonio Francesco
Groos Karl
Groot Hugo de
Grossmith George
Grote George
Grote Harriet
Grote Mary
Grotius Hugo
Grove Henry
Grove Lady
Grove Mr
Grove William R.
Groves Ernest William Hey
Gruber Johann Gottfried
Gruber Ruth
Gruppe [Prof.]
Gruppe [Prof]
Gruyer Paul
Guarini Battista
Guarini Giovanni Battista
Guarino Giovanni Battista
Guazzo S. Stefano
Gubbins Nathaniel
Guerard Albert
Guest Charlotte Bertie
Guest David
Guest Edwin
Gueulette Thomas-Simon
Guiarini Giovanni Battista
Guiccioli Countess Teresa
Guillemin unknown
Guizot Francois Pierre Guillaume
Guizot M.
Gull Cyril Arthur Edward Ranger
Gulston Josepha
Gunning Henry
Gunston Leslie
Gurnall William
Gurney John
Gurney Joseph John
Gurney Priscilla
Guthrie Thomas
Guyon Jeanne Marie Bouvieres de la Motte
Gwynne and Gertrude Tuckwell Stephen