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Glynos and Howarth (2007) Logics of Critical Explanation in Social and Political Theory

Glynos, Jason and Howarth, David (2007),  "Logics of Critical Explanation in Social and Political Theory", London, New York: Routledge.

Jason Glynos and David Howarth
Publication date: 

In their book, Jason Glynos and David Howarth propose to practice social and political analysis based on the role of logics.  While drawing upon hermeneutics, poststructuralism, psychoanalysis, and post-analytical philosophy, they elaborate an alternative grammar of concepts informed predominantly by an ontological stance rooted in poststructuralist theory (and in particular, in the Essex School of Discourse Theory). Of particular interest to method group 3 is their chapter 4 'Ontology' within which they unfold their framework and articulate their view on discourse and materialities.