Day 1 audio will be added to this site shortly.
09.30-10.00 Welcome addresses
Dr. Vera Szöllösi-Brenig, Volkswagenstiftung: Welcome Address
Prof. Konrad Hagedorn, WINS/Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin: Opening Remarks
Prof. Ray Ison, ISSS/Open University/Monash University: Scene Setting
Dr. Kevin Collins, Open University UK – Programme outline and finalising contracting for the event
10.40-11.15 Keynote 1:
Critically reflecting on the Anthropocene as a framing for governance innovation Dr. Sarah Cornell
11.45-12.20 Keynote 2:
Cybersystemics, systemic inquiry and institutional reform? Prof. Ray Ison
13.50-14.25 Keynote 3:
Living Cybersystemically in the Anthropocene. Prof. Mary Catherine Bateson (no presentation file; audio link below)
14.25-15.00 Keynote 4:
Challenges and opportunities to respond cybersystemically: The German and the global perspective. Prof. Andreas Rechkemmer
16.00-16.35 Keynote 5:
Non- linear systems – the institutional challenge. Prof. Arild Vatn
16.35-17.15 Panel 1: Learning about cybersystemic governance
from Limits to Growth.
The Club of Rome Replayed: The Triumph of Technocracy over Democracy, Alexander Christakis
Revisiting, Reframing and Rescaling an embodied ‘Problematique’ and Covenant, Heiner Benking.
Response by Robert Hoffman