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Celebrating 10 years of innovative STEM practice

1st December 2020

Posted 1st December 2020

eSTEeM 10-year anniversary graphicOn the 10th December 2020, eSTEeM will proudly celebrate its 10 year anniversary. 

Following the OU’s successful hosting of four Centres for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETLs) from 2005 to 2010, eSTEeM was formed as a joint initiative by the Science and MCT (Maths, Computing and Technology) Faculties. eSTEeM was established as the OU centre for STEM pedagogy to sustain the University’s position at the forefront of distance education in the STEM disciplines.

In October 2018, a university-wide Scholarship Plan was approved by Senate that enabled the creation of Scholarship and Innovation Centres in each of the faculties. These were based on the scholarship support model developed by eSTEeM and we now work alongside our sister scholarship centres to coordinate scholarship and further the University's reputation for excellence in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL).

Over the last 10 years, eSTEeM has built a significant body of work and experience amongst colleagues by initiating and supporting scholarship projects. From our diverse portfolio of practitioner-led, evidence-based scholarship which informs STEM teaching and learning, to the development of an active, inclusive and highly engaged community of excellent scholars. 

@OU_eSTEeM #eSTEeMIs10

Related Resources: 
PDF icon 2024-05-eSTEeM-Ten-Years-Publication-FINAL.pdf18.7 MB

Publication celebrating ten years of scholarship and innovation.

eSTEeM 10 Year Anniversary Videos

eSTEeM 10 year annivesary videos 2020.