Support from your tutor
You will have a tutor who will help you with the study material, give feedback and mark your written work. Your tutor will provide advice and guidance by email, via the module forum and through online tutorials.
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Assessment on this module has been designed to give you the opportunity to develop, practice and deepen skills in critical thinking, time management, interrogation, evaluation, and (by the end of the module) independent library and desk-based research.
The first tutor-marked assignment eases you into studying crime and global justice by supporting you in articulating your module and qualification objectives in dialogue with your tutor. The next three assessments develop skills in professional communication, writing, selecting sources, composing an academic argument supported by reliable evidence, working with data, as well as in how to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of different perspectives and how to defend the logic of your chosen arguments.
Assessments five and six help you develop the core tools for your dissertation/project. In the final two end-of-module assessments, you will develop your academic analysis on a topic of your choice. These will also support you to strengthen your writing skills for both an academic and a non-academic audience to make sure that you are fully equipped to communicate with clarity, confidence, and efficiency in a variety of professional contexts.