I am a political scientist and theorist with interdisciplinary focus on politics of innovation and development. I received my BA in Politics and International Studies from the Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences of Athens, followed by an MA and DPhil in Social and Political Thought from the University of Sussex. Since the year 2000 I have worked as a Research Fellow at the University of Brighton and have taught at Birkbeck, University of London, the London South Bank University and the University College London. I have also advised research and development policy organisations in the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Central and Eastern Europe and South East Asia. I joined the Department of Development Policy and Practice (DPP) and the Institute for Innovation Generation (INNOGEN) at the Open University (OU) in October 2005. Since then I have served in various leadership positions, including those of Head of Department from July 2014 until July 2016 and Deputy Director of the Strategic Research Area in International Development and Inclusive Innovation (SRA IDII) from June 2015 until October 2019. I have also served as REF 2021 Strategy Chair for the International Development UoA. I am currently the University's Academic Lead for Open and Engaging Research and co-Director of INNOGEN. I am also Qualification Lead for MSc in Global Development (F86). I am a member of the following professional associations: Political Studies Association (PSA); Association for Studies in Innovation, Science and Technology (AsSIST-UK) and Development Studies Association (DSA).
My work is in the areas of politics and public policy with a specific focus on technological innovation and development. My current research interests are interdiciplinary and include: ethics and politics of AI technologies for development; health-industry policy linkages in Africa; the role of the state in innovation; innovation systems directionality; inclusive innovation and global development; industrial associations and innovation policy; and the application of contemporary political theory in innovation and development studies. My work has appeared in top academic journals such as Research Policy, World Development, Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, Progress in Development Studies, Journal of Responsible Innovation, Innovation and Development,Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Science and Public Policy, Critical Policy Studies and International Political Science Review. I am keen to supervise PhD students in my main areas of expertise. I welcome both theoretical and empirical research projects.
My teaching interests are in both politics and public policy with focus on technological innovation and global development. I am currently chairing the presentation of DD870 Understanding Global Development (60 credits). In the past, I chaired the production and presentation of TD223, International Development, Making Sense of a Changing World (60 credits). I also chaired part of the production of D229, a new undergraduate module on Introducing Development Studies (60 credits) and worked on MSc in Global Development, producing teaching materials for DD870, DD871 Key Challenges in Global Development (60 credits) and DD872 Researching Global Development (60 credits). I also delivered teaching materials for DD213 Environment and Society and DD313 International Relations, Continuity and Change in Global Politics and I was part of the production team of the Masters level Business, Human Rights Law and Corporate Social Responsibility (W822).
I have contributed a number of reports and public policy briefs to research and innovation policy organisations in developing and developed countries, including South Africa, India, Canada and USA. I am currently external advisor to several policy-making organizations, including the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) and NESTA-UK. I am also a member of the ESRC and Innovate UK Innovation Caucus.
I hold visiting academic positions at the Universities of Brighton and Edinburgh. I also sit on the editorial advisory board of the International Journal of Technology Management and Sustainable Development and Tecnoscienza, the Italian Journal of Science and Technology. In the past, I served as an Associate Editor of the Journal of International Development (from 2013 to 2021) and acted as a referee for a number of top academic journals, including Political Studies, World Development and Research Policy. I also served as an Academic Reviewer of the American College of Thessaloniki and as an External Examiner of the University of Manchester, the University of Edinburgh and the University College London. Over the years I have reviewed a number of funding applications for research councils and other institutions, including: Wellcome Trust (WT); Genome Canada (GC); National Science Foundation (NSF); and the Economics and Social Research Council (ESRC).
Name | Type | Parent Unit |
Centre for Citizenship, Identifies and Governance (CCIG) | Centre | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Development Policy and Practice Research Group | Group | Faculty of Mathematics, Computing and Technology |
OpenSpace Research Centre | Centre | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Directing innovation towards just outcomes: the role of principles and politic (2024)
Papaioannou, Theo
Journal of Responsible Innovation, 11, Article 2312623(1)
Bridging the Gulf Between Development Theory and Innovation Theory: The Imperative of Relational Justice (2024)
Papaioannou, Theo
Forum for Development Studies, 51(3) (pp. 411-438)
What kind of innovation state matters for social justice? Learning from Poulantzas and going beyond (2023-07)
Papaioannou, Theo
Review of Evolutionary Political Economy, 4 (pp. 299-320)
Creative States: Is state-led risk-taking the answer to post-Covid-19 recovery? (2021-04)
Papaioannou, Theo
RSA Journal, CLXVII, Article 5584(1) (pp. 30-35)
The Idea of Justice in Innovation: Applying Non-Ideal Political Theory to Address Questions of Sustainable Public Policy in Emerging Technologies (2021)
Papaioannou, Theo
Sustainability, 13, Article 2655(5)
Reflections on the entrepreneurial state, innovation and social justice (2020-08)
Papaioannou, Theo
Review of Evolutionary Political Economy, 1(2) (pp. 199-220)
Innovation, value-neutrality and the question of politics: unmasking the rhetorical and ideological abuse of evolutionary theory (2020)
Papaioannou, Theo
Journal of Responsible Innovation, 7(2) (pp. 238-255)
Innovation as a political process of development: are neo-Schumpeterians value neutral? (2019)
Papaioannou, Theo and Srinivas, Smita
Innovation and Development, 9(1) (pp. 141-158)
Which inclusive innovation? Competing normative assumptions around social justice (2018)
Levidow, Les and Papaioannou, Theo
Innovation and Development, 8(2) (pp. 209-226)
Marx and Sen on incentives and justice: Implications for innovation and development (2016-10)
Papaioannou, Theo
Progress in Development Studies, 16(4) (pp. 297-313)
Policy-driven, narrative-based evidence-gathering: UK priorities for decarbonisation through biomass (2016-02-01)
Levidow, Les and Papaioannou, Theo
Science and Public Policy, 43(1) (pp. 46-61)
To Lobby or to Partner? Investigating the Shifting Political Strategies of Biopharmaceutical Industry Associations in Innovation Systems of South Africa and India (2016-02)
Papaioannou, Theo; Watkins, Andrew; Mugwagwa, Julius and Kale, Dinar
World Development, 78 (pp. 66-79)
National innovation systems and the intermediary role of industry associations in building institutional capacities for innovation in developing countries: a critical review of the literature (2015-10-31)
Watkins, Andrew; Papaioannou, Theo; Mugwagwa, Julius and Kale, Dinar
Research Policy, 44(8) (pp. 1407-1418)
Industry associations, health innovation systems and politics of development: the cases of India and South Africa (2015-08)
Papaioannou, Theo; , ; , and ,
Business and Politics, 17(2) (pp. 253-289)
Self-fulfilling prophecies of the European knowledge-based bio-economy: the discursive shaping of institutional and policy frameworks in the bio-pharmaceuticals sector (2014-03)
Birch, Kean; Levidow, Les and Papaioannou, Theo
Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 5(1) (pp. 1-18)
UK biofuel policy: envisaging sustainable biofuels, shaping institutions and futures (2014-02)
Levidow, Les and Papaioannou, Theo
Environment and Planning A, 46(2) (pp. 280-298)
Innovation and development in search of a political theory of justice (2014)
Papaioannou, Theo
International Journal of Technology and Globalisation, 7(3) (pp. 179-202)
How inclusive can innovation and development be in the twenty-first century? (2014)
Papaioannou, Theo
Innovation and Development, 4(2) (pp. 187-202)
UK bioenergy innovation priorities: Making expectations credible in state-industry arenas (2014)
Levidow, Les; Borda-Rodriguez, Alexander and Papaioannou, Theo
Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 87 (pp. 191-204)
Innovation priorities for UK bioenergy: technological expectations within path dependence (2013-12)
Levidow, Les; Papaioannou, Theo and Borda-Rodriguez, Alexander
Science & Technology Studies, 26(3) (pp. 14-36)
State imaginaries of the public good: shaping UK innovation priorities for bioenergy (2013-06)
Levidow, Les and Papaioannou, Theo
Environmental Science & Policy, 30 (pp. 36-49)
Path-dependent UK bioenergy (2013-05)
Levidow, Les; Papaioannou, Theo and Borda-Rodriguez, Alexander
Science as Culture, 22(2) (pp. 213-221)
New life sciences innovation and distributive justice: rawlsian goods versus senian capabilities (2013-05)
Papaioannou, Theo
Life Sciences, Society and Policy, 9(5)
Divergent paradigms of European agro-food innovation: the Knowledge-Based Bio-Economy (KBBE) as an R&D agenda (2013-01)
Levidow, Les; Birch, Kean and Papaioannou, Theo
Science, Technology & Human Values, 38(1) (pp. 94-125)
UK Biobank: consequences for commons and innovation (2012-08-18)
Huzair, Farah and Papaioannou, Theo
Science and Public Policy, 39(4) (pp. 500-512)
EU agri-innovation policy: two contending visions of the bio-economy (2012-04)
Levidow, Les; Birch, Kean and Papaioannou, Theo
Critical Policy Studies, 6(1) (pp. 40-65)
Democratic governance of genomics: the case of UK Biobank (2012-02-14)
Papaioannou, Theo
New Genetics and Society, 31(2) (pp. 111-133)
From consultation to deliberation? a qualitative case study of governing science and technology projects for the public good (2012)
Papaioannou, Theo
Critical Public Health, 22(2) (pp. 235-251)
Bio-clusters as co-evolutionary developments of technology, venture capital and socio-political institutions: a historical perspective of Cambridge and Scotland (2012)
Papaioannou, Theo and Rosiello, Alessandro
International Journal of Innovation and Regional Development, 4(5) (pp. 386-413)
Technological innovation, global justice and politics of development (2011-07)
Papaioannou, Theo
Progress in Development Studies, 11(4) (pp. 321-338)
Public-private collaboration for new life sciences innovation and regional development: the cases of Cambridge and Scotland (2011-03)
Papaioannou, Theo
European Planning Studies, 19(3) (pp. 403-428)
Sustainable capital? The neoliberalization of nature and knowledge in the European “knowledge-based bio-economy” (2010-09)
Birch, Kean; Levidow, Les and Papaioannou, Theo
Sustainability, 2(9) (pp. 2898-2918)
The impact of new life sciences innovation on political theories of justice (2009-08-15)
Papaioannou, Theo
Genomics, Society and Policy, 5(2) (pp. 40-52)
Global justice: From theory to development action (2009-08)
Papaioannou, Theo; Yanacopulos, Helen and Aksoy, Zuhre
Journal of International Development, 21(6) (pp. 805-818)
Knowledge ecologies and ecosystems? An empirically grounded reflection on recent developments in innovation systems theory (2009-04)
Papaioannou, Theo; Wield, David and Chataway, Joanna
Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 27(2) (pp. 319-339)
Below the radar: What does innovation in emerging economies have to offer other low-income economies? (2009)
Kaplinsky, Raphael; Chataway, Jo; Hanlin, Rebecca; Clark, Norman; Kale, Dinar; Muraguri, Lois; Papaioannou, Theo; Robbins, Peter and Wamae, Watu
International Journal of Technology Management and Sustainable Development, 8(3) (pp. 177-197)
Nozick Revisited: The Formation of the Right-Based Dimension of his Political Theory (2008)
Papaioannou, Theo
International Political Science Review, 29(3) (pp. 261-280)
Human Gene Patents and the Question of Liberal Morality (2008)
Papaioannou, Theo
Genomics, Society and Policy, 4(3) (pp. 64-83)
Policy benchmarking: a tool of democracy or a tool of authoritarianism? (2007-07)
Papaioannou, Theodoros
Benchmarking: An International Journal, 14(4) (pp. 497-516)
Towards a critique of the moral foundations of intellectual property rights [1] (2006-06)
Papaioannou, Theodoros
Journal of Global Ethics, 2(1) (pp. 67-90)
Benchmarking as a policy-making tool: from the Private Sector to the Public Sector (2006-03-01)
Papaioannou, Theodoros; Rush, Howard and Bessant, John
Science and Public Policy, 33(2) (pp. 91-102)
Market Order and Justice in Hayek's Political Theory: the Exclusion and Requirement of Substantive Politics (2003-06-01)
Papaioannou, Theodoros
Social Science Information, 42(2) (pp. 229-253)
Inclusive Innovation for Development: Meeting the Demands of Justice through Public Action (2018-06)
Papaioannou, Theo
Routledge Focus
ISBN : 9781138304864 | Publisher : Routledge
Reading Hayek in the 21st Century: A Critical Inquiry into His Political Thought (2012-09-18)
Papaioannou, Theo
ISBN : 9780230301627 | Publisher : Palgrave Macmillan | Published : Basingstoke
Robert Nozick's Moral and Political Theory: A Philosophical Critique of Libertarianism (2010-05-20)
Papaioannou, Theo
ISBN : 773436545 | Publisher : Edwin Mellen Press | Published : Lewiston, New York
Technological Innovation and Development (2024)
Papaioannou, Theo
In: Dauncey, Emil; Desai, Vandana and Potter, Robert eds. The Companion to Development Studies (4th Edition) (pp. 514-520)
ISBN : 9780429282348 | Publisher : Routledge
Global Social Justice (2022-02-28)
Papaioannou, Theo
In: Yeates, Nicola and Holden, Chris eds. Understanding Global Social Policy. Understanding Welfare: Social Issues, Policy and Practice (pp. 111-131)
ISBN : 978-1447358046 | Publisher : Policy Press | Published : Bristol
Industry Associations and the Changing Politics of Making Medicines in South Africa (2015-12-09)
Papaioannou, Theo; Watkins, Andrew; Mugwagwa, Julius and Kale, Dinar
In: Mackintosh, Maureen; Banda, Geoffrey; Tibandebage, Paula and Wamae, Watu eds. Making Medicines in Africa: the Political Economy of Industrializing for Local Health. International Political Economy (pp. 261-277)
ISBN : 9781137571335 | Publisher : Palgrave Macmillan | Published : Basingstoke
Neoliberalising technoscience and environment: EU policy for competitive, sustainable biofuels (2012-09)
Levidow, Les; Papaioannou, Theo and Birch, Kean
In: Pellizzoni, Luigi and Ylönen, Marja eds. Neoliberalism and Technoscience. Theory, Technology and Society (pp. 159-186)
ISBN : 978-1-4094-3532-7 | Publisher : Ashgate | Published : Farnham
The challenge of policy-making for the new life sciences (2009-06)
Lyall, Catherine; Papaioannou, Theo and Smith, James
In: Lyall, Catherine; Papaioannou, Theo and Smith, James eds. The Limits to Governance: The Challenge of Policy-making for the New Life Sciences (pp. 1-17)
ISBN : 978-0-7546-7508-2 | Publisher : Ashgate | Published : Farnham, UK
Governance and justice: The challenge of genomics (2009-06)
Papaioannou, Theo
In: Lyall, Catherine; Papaioannou, Theo and Smith, James eds. The Limits to Governance: The Challenge of Policy-making for the New Life Sciences (pp. 21-49)
ISBN : 978-0-7546-7508-2 | Publisher : Ashgate | Published : Farnham, UK
Governance in action in the life sciences: Some lessons for policy (2009-06)
Lyall, Catherine; Papaioannou, Theo and Smith, James
In: Lyall, Catherine; Papaioannou, Theo and Smith, James eds. The Limits to Governance: The Challenge of Policy-making for the New Life Sciences (pp. 261-273)
ISBN : 978-0-7546-7508-2 | Publisher : Ashgate | Published : Farnham, UK
Benchmarking Centres of Excellence and the OECD Manuals of Science and Technology Measurement (2003)
Papaioannou, Theodoros
In: Papanek, G.; Borsi, B. and Papaioannou, Theodoros eds. Ljubljana Proceedings of the RECORD Thematic Network: Towards the Practice of Benchmarking RTD Organisations in Accession Countries (pp. 229-237)
ISBN : 963420784 7 | Publisher : European Commission
University-Industry Links: a panacea for innovation in transition (2002)
Devai, Katalin; Mensink, Wouter and Papaioannou, Theodoros
In: Borsi, Balazs; Papanek, Gabor and Papaioannou, Theodoros eds. Budapest Proceedings of the RECORD Thematic Network: Industry Relatinships for Accession States Centres of Excellence in Higher Education (pp. 7-22)
ISBN : 9634207537 | Publisher : European Commission
Hand in Hand: Manual of Benchmarking and Experimental Map (2002)
Papanek, Gabor; Borsi, Balazs; Papaioannou, Theodoros and Perenyi, Aran
In: Borsi, Balazs; Papanek, Gabor and Papaioannou, Theodorus eds. Budapest Proceedings of the RECORD Thematic Network: Industry Relationships for Accession States Centres of Excellence in Higher Education (pp. 165-182)
ISBN : 9634207537 | Publisher : European Commission
Benchmarking processes of CEEC’s centres of RTD: a case study methodology (2002)
Papaioannou, Theodoros
In: Devai, Katalin; Papanek, Gabor and Borsi, Balazs eds. Brighton Proceedings of the RECORD Thematic Network: A Methodology for Benchmarking RTD Organisations in Central and Eastern Europe (pp. 53-68)
ISBN : 963420726X | Publisher : European Commission
New Perspectives in International Development (2013-12-06)
Papaioannou, Theo and Butcher, Melissa eds.
The Open University's International Development series
ISBN : 978-1780932439 | Publisher : Bloomsbury Academic | Published : London
International Development in a Changing World (2013-02-08)
Papaioannou, Theo and Butcher, Melissa eds.
The Open University's International Development series
ISBN : 978-1-7809-3237-8 | Publisher : Bloomsbury Academic | Published : London
The limits to governance: The challenge of policy-making for the new life sciences (2009-06)
Lyall, Catherine; Papaioannou, Theo and Smith, James eds.
ISBN : 978-0-7546-7508-2 | Publisher : Ashgate | Published : Farnham, UK
Introducing Development (2009-01-10)
Fawssett, Susan; Hanlin, Rebecca; Le Mare, Ann; Papaioannou, Theodoros and Wilson, Gordon eds.
ISBN : 1848732473 | Publisher : Open University Worldwide | Published : Milton Keynes
The Ljubljana Proceedings of the RECORD Thematic Network: Towards the Practice of Benchmarking RTD Organisations in Accession Countries (2003)
Borsi, Balazs; Papanek, Gabor and Papaioannou, Theodoros eds.
ISBN : 9634207847 | Publisher : European Union
The Budapest Proceedings of the RECORD Thematic Network: Industry Relationships for Accession States Centres of Excellence in Higher Education (2002)
Borsi, Balazs; Papanek, Gabor and Papaioannou, Theodoros eds.
ISBN : 9634207537 | Publisher : European Commission
Inclusive Innovation for Global Development: the Role of Social Solidarity Economy (SSE) Ecosystems (2024)
Papaioannou, Theo; Levidow, Les and Aksoy, Zuhre
In : DSA 2024: Social justice and Development in a Polarising World (26-28 Jun 2024, SOAS University of London, UK / hybrid)
Directing Innovation Towards Just Outcomes: The Role of Principles and Politics (2023-04)
Papaioannou, Theo
In : Critiquing the Direction for Innovation – The Role of Justice and Exnovation (13-14 Apr 2023, University of Montreal)
State of Innovation and Social Justice: Revisiting Poulantzas and Going Beyond (2023)
Papaioannou, Theo
In : EU-SPRI Conference (14-16 Jun 2023, SPRU - University of Sussex)
Bridging the Gulf between Development Theory and Innovation Theory: the Imperative of Relational Justice (2023)
Papaioannou, Theo
In : DSA2023: Development Studies Association Annual Conference 2023: Crisis in the Anthropocene - Rethinking Connection and Agency for Development (28-30 Jun 2023, University of Reading)
Reflections on the Entrepreneurial State, Innovation and Social Justice (2019)
Papaioannou, Theo
In : 31st European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy (EAEPE) Annual Conference (21-14 Sep 2019, Warsaw)
Innovation, Value-Neutrality and the Question of Politics: the Neo-Schumpeterian Divide (2017-04-11)
Papaioannou, Theo
In : 67th Political Studies Association (PSA) Annual International Conference (10-12 Apr 2017, Glasgow, University of Strathclyde)
Innovation as a Political Process of Development: Are Neo-Schumpetarians Value Neutral? (2016-09)
Papaioannou, Theo and Srinivas, Smita
In : SPRU’s 50th Anniversary Conference on Transforming Innovation (7-9 Sep 2016, University of Sussex)
Politics of Innovation and Development: the Role of Industry Associations in Integrating Political, Industrial and Health Systems in India and South Africa (2016-03-21)
Papaioannou, Theo; Watkins, Andrew; Kale, Dinar and Mugwagwa, Julius
In : 66th Political Studies Association Annual International Conference: Politics and the Good Life (21-23 Mar 2016, Brighton, UK)
Industry Associations and the Politics of Making Medicines in South Africa (2016)
Papaioannou, Theo; Watkins, Andrew; Mugwagwa, Julius and Kale, Dinar
In : 28th SASE Annual Meeting: Moral Economies, Economic Moralities (24-26 Jun 2016, University of California Berkeley)
Why Industry Associations Matter for Healthcare Industries in Emerging Countries: Evidence from the Indian Biotechnology and Medical Device Industries (2015-09-23)
Kale, Dinar; Watkins, Andrew; Papaioannou, Theo and Mugwagwa, Julius
In : 13th Globelics International Conference (23-25 Sep 2015, Havana, Cuba)
Marx and Sen on incentives and justice (2015-03)
Papaioannou, Theo
In : Civic Pride, 65th PSA Annual International Conference (30 Mar - 1 Apr 2015, Sheffield, UK)
Are pharmaceutical industry associations an underutilised partner in health delivery governance and innovation systems in developing countries? (2015)
Papaioannou, Theo; Watkins, Andrew and Kale, Dinar
In : Development Studies Association Annual Conference 2015 (7-8 Sep 2015, University of Bath)
To lobby or to partner? Explaining the shifting political strategies of biopharmaceutical industry associations in South Africa and India (2014-09)
Papaioannou, Theo; Watkins, Andrew; Mugwagwa, Julius and Kale, Dinar
In : Development Studies Association Annual Conference 2014 (01 Nov 2014, London)
The role of industry associations in health innovation and politics of development: the cases of South Africa and India (2014-07)
Papaioannou, Theo; Kale, Dinar; Mugwagwa, Julius and Watkins, Andrew
In : 15th International Conference of the International Joseph A. Schumpeter Society (ISS) (27-30 Jul 2014, Jena, Germany)
National innovation systems, developing countries, and the role of intermediaries: a critical review of the literature (2014-07)
Watkins, Andrew; Papaioannou, Theo; Kale, Dinar and Mugwagwa, Julius
In : 15th International Conference of the International Joseph A. Schumpeter Society (ISS) (27-30 Jul 2014, Jena, Germany)
New Life Sciences Innovation and Distributive Justice: A Senian Perspective (2011-04)
Papaioannou, Theo
In : 61st Political Studies Association Annual Conference, Transforming Politics: New Synergies (19-21 Apr 2011, London, U.K.)
Innovation, justice and politics (2010-03)
Papaioannou, Theo
In : 60th Political Studies Association (29 Mar - 1 Apr 2010, Edinburgh)
Bio-clusters as co-evolutionary developments of high tech, venture capital and socio-political institutions: a historical perspective of Cambridge and Scotland (2009-10)
Papaioannou, Theo and Rosiello, Alessandro
In : ESRC Genomics Network Conference: Mapping the Genomic Era: Measurements and Meanings (7-9 Oct 2009, Cardiff, UK)
Technological innovation and liberal theories of justice (2008-04)
Papaioannou, Theo
In : 58th Political Studies Association Annual Conference: Democracy, Governance and Conflict: Dilemmas of Theory and Practice (1-3 Apr 2008, Swansea)
Knowledge ecologies and ecosystems? An empirically grounded reflection on recent developments in innovation systems theory (2007-05)
Papaioannou, Theo; Wield, David and Chataway, Joanna
In : The 6th International Triple Helix Conference on University-Government-Industry Relations (16-18 May 2007, Singapore)
Below the radar: What does innovation in the Asian driver economies have to offer other low income economies (2009)
Clark, Norman; Chataway, Joanna; Hanlin, Rebecca; Kale, Dinar; Kaplinsky, Raphael; Muraguri, Lois; Papaioannou, Theo; Robbins, Peter and Wamae, Watu
Economic and Social Research Council
Regional Innovation and Research Policy Outlook: Policy Practices in Eight European Regions (2008)
Papaioannou, T.; Antal, D.; Borsi, B.; Bergenholtz, C.; Berndt, T.; Dam, H.; Duras, V.; Dziemianowicz, W.; Filacek, A.; Hochgerner, J.; Katzy, B.; Kedro, M.; Kerdova, M.; Kolenka, B.; Kostka, M.; Lindgren, P.; Loudin, J.; Mensink, W.; Nyiry, A.; Papanek, G.; Pasterz, T.; Readman, J.; Rush, H.; Sedova, M.; Szlachta, J.; Tydlackova, K.; Udvardi, A.; Viszt, E.; Walczyk, K.; Wyrwa, D. and Zaleski, J.
GKI Economic Research Co., Budapest.
The RECORD experimental map: innovative research organisations in European accession countries (2004)
Adamowicz, E.; Borsi, B.; Cahil, E.; Devai, K.; Fazlagic, A.; Filacek, A.; Gallagher, N.; Jablecka, J.; Papaioannou, T.; Papanek, G.; Jozwiak, J.; Kedro, M.; Kurzydlowski, K.; Kultaca, D.; Loudin, J.; Mensink, W.; Micallef, j.; Papp, E.; Perenyi, A.; Restall, B.; Rush, H.; Schich, K.; Stanovnik, P. and Usenik, H.
European Commission
The RECORD manual: Benchmarking innovative research organisations in European accession countries (2004)
Adamowicz, E.; Borsi, B.; Cahill, E.; Devai, K.; Fazlagic, A.; Filacek, A.; Gallagher, N.; Jablecka, J.; Jozwiak, J.; Kedro, M.; Kurzydlowski, K.; Kutlaca, D.; Loudin, J.; Mensink, W.; Micallef, J.; Papaioannou, T.; Papanek, G.; Papp, E.; Perenyi, A.; Restall, B.; Rush, H.; Schuch, K.; Stanovnik, P. and Usenik, H.
European Commission
Innovation policies to promote a more active use of intellectual property rights (2001-09-02)
Tsekouras, George and Papaioannou, Theo
European Commission, Innovation Unit, DG Enterprise, Luxembourg.
Public Support to Learning Networks in Europe: Critical Needs and Policy Issues (2001)
Papaioannou, Theo and Tsekouras, G.
European Commission, Innovation Unit, DG Enterprise, Luxembourg.