Rebecca Galley is Director of Academic Services at The Open University, UK.
Rebecca’s background is in professional and management development and training. She has been teaching since 1995 across a number of different educational settings, and has held a number of leadership roles across that time. Her early teaching career was in Adult and Continuing Education and she maintains a commitment to widening access and inclusion. She has a particular interest in how collaborative spaces and places - face-to-face and online - can be used to promote learning, innovation and partnerships in learning and teaching.
PUBLICATIONS (last 5 years only)
Hauck, Mirjam; Galley, Rebecca and Warnecke, Sylvia (2015) Researching participatory literacy and positioning in online learning communities Ch 5, in Routledge Handbook of Language Learning and Technology Ed. Farr
Marsh, Vicky; Galley, Rebecca (2015) Using survey data to inform and target curriculum improvement. In: HEA Surveys for Enhancement Conference, 4th June 2015, London, UK
Whitelock, Denise; Thorpe, Mary and Galley, Rebecca (2015). Student workload: a case study of its significance, evaluation and management at the Open University. Distance Education (Early view).
Cross, Simon; Whitelock, Denise and Galley, Rebecca (2014). The use, role and reception of open badges as a method for formative and summative reward in two Massive Open Online Courses. International Journal of e-Assessment, 4(1)
Cross, Simon; and Galley, Rebecca. (2013) Badges at the formal/informal interface: badge use, functioning and learners attitudes in two open online courses. eLearning Community Event, At Milton Keynes. Slides available at:
Galley, Rebecca; Conole, Grainne and Alevizou, Panagiota (2014). Community indicators: a framework for observing and supporting community activity on Cloudworks. Interactive Learning Environments, 22(3) pp. 373–395.
Cross, Simon and Galley, Rebecca (2012). MOOC Badging and the Learning Arc. OLDS MOOC Blog Post.
Cross, Simon; Galley, Rebecca; Brasher, Andrew and Weller, Martin (2012). OULDI-JISC Project Evaluation Report: the impact of new curriculum design tools and approaches on institutional process and design cultures. OULDI Project (Open University).
Alevizou, Panagiota; Galley, Rebecca and Conole, Grainne (2012). Collectivity, performance and self-representation: analysing Cloudworks as a public space for networked learning and reflection. In: Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Lone ; Hodgson, Vivien and McConnell, David eds. Exploring the Theory, Pedagogy and Practice of Networked Learning. New York: Springer, pp. 75–97.
Galley, Rebecca; Conole, Grainne; Dalziel, James and Ghiglione, Ernie (2010). Cloudworks as a ‘pedagogical wrapper’ for LAMS sequences: supporting the sharing of ideas across professional boundaries and facilitating collaborative design, evaluation and critical reflection. In: 2010 European LAMS & Learning Design Conference, 15 Jul 2010, Oxford.
Alevizou, P.; Conole, G. and Galley, R. (2010). Using Cloudworks to Support OER Activities. Higher Education Academy, York. Galley, R.; Conole, G. and Alevizou, P. (2010). Case Study: Using Cloudworks for an Open Literature Review. Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.
Conole, G., Galley, R., & Culver, J. (2010) Frameworks for understanding the nature of interactions, networking, and community in a social networking site for academic practice. The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 12(3), 119–138,2010.
Conole, G., Galley, R., & Culver, J. (2010) Refining designing for learning: dialogic and explicit learning design. In: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology, Volume: 2010
Student workload: a case study of its significance, evaluation and management at the Open University (2015)
Whitelock, Denise; Thorpe, Mary and Galley, Rebecca
Distance Education, 36(2) (pp. 161-176)
Community indicators: a framework for observing and supporting community activity on Cloudworks (2014)
Galley, Rebecca; Conole, Grainne and Alevizou, Panagiota
Interactive Learning Environments, 22(3) (pp. 373-395)
The use, role and reception of open badges as a method for formative and summative reward in two Massive Open Online Courses (2014)
Cross, Simon; Whitelock, Denise and Galley, Rebecca
International Journal of e-Assessment, 4(1)
Researching participatory literacy and positioning in online learning communities (2016-03-23)
Hauck, Mirjam; Galley, Rebecca and Warnecke, Sylvia
In: Farr, Fiona and Murray, Liam eds. The Routledge Handbook of Language Learning and Technology. Routledge Handbooks in Applied Linguistics (pp. 71-87)
ISBN : 978-0-415-83787-3 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : London
Collectivity, performance and self-representation: analysing Cloudworks as a public space for networked learning and reflection (2012)
Alevizou, Panagiota; Galley, Rebecca and Conole, Grainne
In: Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Lone; Hodgson, Vivien and McConnell, David eds. Exploring the Theory, Pedagogy and Practice of Networked Learning (pp. 75-97)
ISBN : 978-1-4614-0495-8 | Publisher : Springer | Published : New York
Cloudworks as a ‘pedagogical wrapper’ for LAMS sequences: supporting the sharing of ideas across professional boundaries and facilitating collaborative design, evaluation and critical reflection (2010-07-15)
Galley, Rebecca; Conole, Grainne; Dalziel, James and Ghiglione, Ernie
In : 2010 European LAMS & Learning Design Conference (15 Jul 2010, Oxford)
MOOC Badging and the Learning Arc (2012-11-16)
Cross, Simon and Galley, Rebecca
OULDI-JISC Project Evaluation Report: the impact of new curriculum design tools and approaches on institutional process and design cultures (2012-07-31)
Cross, Simon; Galley, Rebecca; Brasher, Andrew and Weller, Martin
OULDI Project (Open University)
Using Cloudworks to Support OER Activities (2010)
Alevizou, P.; Conole, G. and Galley, R.
Higher Education Academy, York.
Case Study: Using Cloudworks for an Open Literature Review (2010)
Galley, R.; Conole, G. and Alevizou, P.
Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.