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Professor Jean Hartley

Profile summary

Professional biography

Professor Hartley has contributed to the field of public leadership and management for two decades through research, teaching and development work. This has shaped some of the thinking and ideas in the field for example about the value and use of political astuteness skills among public servants, about the interplay between political and managerial leadership, and about the leadership of innovation in public services. She has joined The Open University Business School from Warwick Business School where she was Professor of Organisational Analysis and co-founded the Institute of Governance and Public Management. Previous to that she has held the position of Senior Lecturer at University of London's Birkbeck College and research and teaching posts at Universities of Manchester and Sheffield.

Research interests

Professor Hartley’s field of research is leadership, organisational development and management. Her core discipline is organisational psychology but most of her research is cross-disciplinary and focused on public leadership and management. Her special interests are in leadership with political astuteness, and innovation and organizational change in public services.

Teaching interests

Professor Hartley’s teaching interests centre around public leadership and innovation and organisational change.

External collaborations

Professor Hartley is a Fellow of the British Academy of Management and of the British Psychological Society. She is on the review boards of the journals of Leadership, Leadership & Organization Development Journal and Teaching Public Administration. She is also a regular external examiner.

Professor Hartley is undertaking research on leadership with political astuteness with colleagues at the Australia and New Zealand School of Government, and on innovation in public services at the University of Roskilde in Denmark.