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Dr Giacomo Carli

Profile summary

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Professional biography

Giacomo is Senior Lecturer in Strategy and Teaching Director of the Undergraduate Business Programme at The Open University Business School. After the completion of his PhD in Management in 2012 at the University of Bologna in Italy, he was awarded a PostDoc scholarship at the at the Department of Management  and worked as a project manager for a EU-funded research project on innovation in agriculture. Giacomo had the opportunity to be a teaching assistant at Bocconi University and a visiting PhD student at the Fuqua School of Business at Duke University in the US. He holds a Master’s and Bachelor Degree in Engineering Management, he worked as a management consultant in strategic and organizational change projects in large companies and he is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

Research interests

Giacomo's research interests are inspired to the capability-view of the firm. During his PhD, he studied the process of development of dynamic capabilities. Now he focuses on the relationship between capabilities and organizational values. His primary research settings are professional service firms and consulting companies.

  • Organizational capabilities 
  • Dynamic capabilities
  • Organizational identity and values
  • Professional service firms
  • Management consulting

During the PostDoc at the University of Bologna, Giacomo developed a specific background on agriculture and food innovation, which is now part of his research agenda, in combination with an interest on business model innovation. He has been working with several international partners and institutions at EU-funded research projects.

  • Business Model Innovation
  • Innovation and entrepreneurship in agriculture
  • Technology adoption in agriculture

Teaching interests

  • Strategic management
    • Competitive strategy
    • Business models
    • Strategic analysis
    • Strategy implementation
  • Organizational change
    • Business process analysis and modeling
    • Change management
  • Project management

External collaborations


A pandemic of possibilities: The spread of potentiality-seeking organisations under conditions of the COVID-19 lockdown (2025)
Andersen, Niels Åkerstrøm; Carli, Giacomo; Stenner, Paul and Tagliaventi, Maria Rita
Journal of Organizational Sociology ((In press))

Relational leadership in local governance: the engagement of mayors with citizens, public managers and politicians (2022)
Sancino, Alessandro; Carli, Giacomo and Giacomini, Davide
Public Management Review, 25(9) (pp. 1730-1754)

Can you do all in one professional label? Complementarity, substitution and independence effects in academic life (2022)
Carli, Giacomo and Tagliaventi, Maria Rita
Higher Education, 85 (pp. 837-863)

The Effect of Service on Research Performance: A Study on Italian Academics in Management (2021)
Tagliaventi, Maria Rita and Carli, Giacomo
Higher Education Policy, 34 (pp. 812-840)

Excellent Researcher or Good Public Servant? The Interplay between Research and Academic Citizenship (2020)
Tagliaventi, Maria Rita; Carli, Giacomo and Cutolo, Donato
Higher Education, 79 (pp. 1057-1078)

One size does not fit all: the influence of individual and contextual factors on research excellence in academia (2019)
Carli, Giacomo; Tagliaventi, Maria Rita and Cutolo, Donato
Studies in Higher Education, 44(11) (pp. 1912-1930)

The role of brokers and social identities in the development of capabilities in Global Virtual Teams (2017)
Mattarelli, Elisa; Tagliaventi, Maria Rita; Carli, Giacomo and Gupta, Amar
Journal of International Management, 23 (pp. 382-398)

Promoting Entrepreneurship in the Agri-food Industry: Policy Insights from a Pan-European Public–Private Consortium (2015)
Bolzani, Daniela; Carli, Giacomo; Fini, Riccardo and Sobrero, Maurizio
Industry and Innovation, 22(8) (pp. 753-784)

What really matters? A qualitative analysis on the adoption of innovations in agriculture (2015)
Pignatti, Erika; Carli, Giacomo and Canavari, Maurizio
Journal of Agricultural Informatics, 6(4)

Introducing Activity-Based Costing in Farm Management: The Design of the FarmBO System (2014)
Carli, Giacomo; Canavari, Maurizio and Grandi, Alessandro
International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Information Systems, 5(4) (pp. 69-84)

Business models and organizational choices for SMEs in the digital single market (2023-03-16)
Carli, Giacomo; Hartley, Jeanette and Tagliaventi, Maria Rita
In: Carbonara, Emanuela and Tagliaventi, Maria Rita eds. SMEs in the Digital Era (pp. 24-44)
ISBN : 9781803921631 | Publisher : Elgar

Introducing Activity-Based Costing in Farm Management: The Design of the FarmBO System (2018)
Carli, Giacomo; Canavari, Maurizio and Grandi, Alessandro
In: Papajorgji, Petraq and Pinet, Francois eds. Innovations and Trends in Environmental and Agricultural Informatics
ISBN : 9781522559788 | Publisher : IGI Global | Published : Hershey, USA

Future Perspectives of Farm Management Information Systems (2017)
Tsiropoulos, Zisis; Carli, Giacomo; Pignatti, Erika and Fountas, Spyros
In: Pedersen, Søren Marcus and Lind, Kim Martin eds. Precision Agriculture: Technology and Economic Perspectives. Progress in Precision Agriculture (pp. 181-200)
ISBN : 978-3-319-68713-1 | Publisher : Springer

How to Model the Adoption and Perception of Precision Agriculture Technologies (2017)
Carli, Giacomo; Xhakollari, Vilma and Tagliaventi, Maria Rita
In: Pedersen, Søren Marcus and Lind, Kim Martin eds. Precision Agriculture: Technology and Economic Perspectives. Progress in Precision Agriculture (pp. 223-249)
ISBN : 978-3-319-68713-1 | Publisher : Springer

UAV-Driven Ecosystems for Sustainable Livestock Management in Rural France: A Case Study (2024-06-19)
Filiou, Despoina; Lebreton, Adrien; Bojkova, Viara; Estelle, Nicolas; Reid, Kristen; Deng, Jie; Carli, Giacomo; Kasimati, Aikaterini and Arampatzis, Stratos
In : R&D Management Conference (17-19 Jun 2024, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden)

The role of background music used in online learning environments in enhancing the higher education students’ learning experience (2024)
Abolhasani, Morteza; Liu, Gordon; Carli, Giacomo and Golrokhi, Zahra
In : MKE Teaching Practice Conference 2024 (BAM) (6 Jun 2024, London)

The role of background music used in online learning environments in enhancing the higher education students' learning experience (2024)
Abolhasani, Morteza; Liu, Gordon; Carli, Giacomo and Golrokhi, Zahra
In : 7th World Conference on Teaching and Education (WORLDCTE) (5-7 Jul 2024, Zurich, Switzerland)

Management Consultants Navigating Competing Systems of Engagement (2021-08-01)
Hartley, Jeanette; Holti, Richard and Carli, Giacomo
In : #AOM2021: The Eighty-first Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (30 Jul - 03 Aug 2021, Online)

Coproduction of Public Leadership: The Engagement of Mayors With Citizens, Managers and Politicians (2019-08-01)
Sancino, Alessandro; Carli, Giacomo; Giacomini, Davide and Pagani, Michela
In : Academy of Management Annual Meeting (09/08/2019-13/08/2019, Boston MA, USA)

The Interplay Between Academic Citizenship and Knowledge Transfer in Business Schools (2019-08-01)
Cutolo, Donato; Tagliaventi, Maria Rita and Carli, Giacomo
In : Academy of Management Annual Meeting (09/08/2019-13/08/2019, Boston MA, USA)

Financial and environmental performance of integrated precision farming systems (2019-07-08)
Pedersen, S.M.; Medici, M.; Anken, T.; Tohidloo, G.; Pedersen, M.F.; Carli, G.; Canavari, M.; Tsiropoulos, Z. and Fountas, S.
In : 12th European Conference on Precision Agriculture (8-11 Jul 2019, Montpellier, France) (pp. 833-839)

Can we be all in one? (2019)
Tagliaventi, Maria Rita; Carli, Giacomo and Cutolo, Donato
In : 5th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’19) (25/06/2019-28/06/2019, Valencia, Spain) (pp. 289-297)

The Trade-Off Between Research and Academic Citizenship in Modern Universities (2018-07-01)
Cutolo, Donato; Tagliaventi, Maria Rita and Carli, Giacomo
In : Academy of Management Annual Meeting (9-14 Aug 2018, Chicago, USA)

Big Data and Organizational Capabilities: A Grounded Study in a Pharmaceutical Company (2018-06-15)
Grishikashvili, Ketevani and Carli, Giacomo
In : Academy of Management Specialized Conference - Big Data and Managing in a Digital Economy (18-20 Apr 2018, Guildford, UK)

The Development of Capabilities in Globally Distributed Teams (2015)
Carli, Giacomo; Mattarelli, Elisa; Tagliaventi, Maria Rita and Gupta, Amar
In : Academy of Management Annual Meeting (7-11 Aug 2015, Vancouver, Canada)

Aligning consultants' routines and organizational identity to foster exploration and exploitation (2015)
Carli, Giacomo; Tagliaventi, Maria Rita and Grandi, Alessandro
In : Academy of Management Annual Meeting (7-11 Aug 2015, Vancouver, Canada)

Doing what you are or becoming what you do: the interplay between identity and dynamic capabilities (2014)
Carli, Giacomo; Mattarelli, Elisa and Tagliaventi, Maria Rita
In : Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2014 (1-5 Aug 2014, Philadelphia, PA)

Capability building from management consulting projects: evidence from case studies (2014)
Carli, Giacomo; Tagliaventi, Maria Rita and Grandi, Alessandro
In : Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2014 (1-5 Aug 2014, Philadelphia, PA)