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Picture  of Edoardo Ongaro

Prof Edoardo Ongaro

Professor Of Public Management

The Open University Business School



Professional biography

Edoardo Ongaro is Professor of Public Management at The Open University, UK.

His expertise is in comparative public administration and the public policy-public administration nexus, and he is widely knowledgeable of public management reforms in Europe and other regions of the world. His research focuses contextual influences and adaptation of public management practices to local circumstances.

Professor Edoardo Ongaro is Past President of EGPA (European Group for Public Administration), the leading learned society in Europe for public administration, public management and public governance studies, having served as EGPA President between 2013-2019. He is a Member of the Council of Administration of the International Institute of Administrative sciences (IIAS) and Vice President (International) of the UK Association for Public Administration (UKAPA).

Professor Ongaro has served in various academic and expert committees and has contributed to numerous international research projects. He is invited to present his research works in universities throughout the world as well as International Organisations like the OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development) or the World Bank, and the European Commission. 

He is an editor of Public Policy and Administration, a journal of the UK Association for Public Administration (UKAPA). 

His works include: Religion and Public Administration: An Introduction (Elgar, 2023 – co-authored with Michele Tantardini); Strategic Management in Public Services Organizations: Concepts, Schools and Contemporary Issues (2022, 2nd edition, Routledge, co-authored with Ewan Ferlie); Philosophy and Public Administration: An Introduction (Elgar, 2020 – 2nd edition – also translated into Chinese, Italian and Spanish); Public Administration in Europe: The Contribution of EGPA (Palgrave, 2019, editor); The Palgrave Handbook of Public Administration and Management in Europe (Palgrave, 2018, co-edited with Sandra van Thiel); Multi-Level Governance: The Missing Linkages (Emerald, 2015 editor); and Public Management Reform and Modernization: Trajectories of Administrative Change in Italy, France, Greece, Portugal and Spain (2009, Elgar). 

Professor Ongaro holds a PhD from King's College London, an MPhil from The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), and MSc/BSc from Politecnico di Milano. He speaks English, French, Italian and Spanish.

Professor Ongaro is a Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences and of UKAPA, the UK Association for Public Administration. 

Research interests

  • Public Management

  • Public Policy and Administration

  • Comparative Public Administration/Comparative Analysis of Public Management Reform

  • Strategic Management in Public Services Organisations

  • Organisation of the Public Sector

  • Management and Governance of European Union Institutions

  • Multi-level Frameworks of governance and Intergovernmental Relations

Teaching interests

I teach a range of topics, at all levels of education (undergraduate, postgraduate, research seminars and PhD level, Continuing Professional Education, executive education). I have a long experience training current and prospective public managers and managers for the common good and the public interest.  

Impact and engagement

Main academic commitments and contribution to the field of Public Administration and Management:

  • Member of the Council of Administration of the International Institute of Administrative Sciences
  • Co-Editor of Public Policy and Administration, journal of the UK Joint University Council of the Applied Social Sciences – Public Administration Committee 

  • Book Series Co-Editor ‘Policy, Institutional and Administrative Change’, Book Series of the publisher Edward Elgar

  • Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences (FAcSS) of the United Kingdom

  • Vice President (International) and Fellow of the UK Association for Public Administration
  • Past President of the European Group for Public Administration (EGPA), the learned society for the study and practice of public administration, public management and the administrative sciences in Europe (President 2013-2019)



Co Production and Co Governance: Strategic Management, Public Value and Co Creation in the Renewal of Public Agencies across Europe



The humanities and public administration: An Introduction (2025)

Strategic management of the transition to public sector co-creation (2024)

Public Administration in Italy in Political and Historical Context: The Craft of the Italian State (2024)

Religion and Public administration: An Introduction (2023)

Strategic Management in Public Services Organizations: Concepts, Schools and Contemporary Issues (Second Edition) (2022)

Philosophy and Public Administration: An Introduction (Second Edition) (2020)

Public Administration in Europe: The Contribution of EGPA (2018)

The Palgrave Handbook of Public Administration and Management in Europe (2018)

Philosophy and Public Administration: An Introduction (2017)

Multi-Level Governance: The Missing Linkages (2015)

Strategic Management in Public Services Organizations: Concepts, Schools and Contemporary Issues (2015)

Book Chapter

The Contribution of the Religious Studies and Theology Literatures to Public Administration: A Review and Outlook (2025)

Benevolence, (public) ethics and public services: Revisiting public value, public service motivation, and models of public administration through the ethics of supererogation (2025)

The Contribution of the Humanities to the Advancement of Public Administration (2025)

The Arts and Public Administration: How the consideration of the nature of art can provide novel ways to understand Public Administration (2025)

Humanism and Public Administration: Profiling the contours of Public Administration as Practical Humanism (2025)

European Administration Challenged by Philosophy (and Vice Versa): A Dialogue Between Nicole Dewandre and Edoardo Ongaro (2024)

The Craft of the Italian State: Public Administration Features and Trajectories in Italy in Political and Historical Context (2024)

Section Overview: Governance and Management of Social Policy in Europe (2023)

Reforming public administration in Italy: Continuity and change from 1861 to 2020 (2023)

Forms of Knowledge for the Practice of Public Administration (2020)

Advancing the Theory and Practice of Public Sector Reform through the Analysis of Social Mechanisms (2019)

The Transatlantic Dialogue (TAD) on Public Administration and Management and the Strategic Partnership Between ASPA and EGPA (2018)

Conclusion: EGPA, EPPA and the Future of Public Administration in Europe (2018)

What Does It Mean a European Learned Society in Public Administration? (2018)

Introduction: The Past and the Future of a Community at the Heart of the Administrative Sciences (2018)

Conclusions (2018)

Introduction (2018)

Public Administration and Public Management Research in Europe: Traditions and Trends (2018)

Languages and Public Administration in Europe (2018)

From Participation to Co-production: Widening and Deepening the Contributions of Citizens to Public Services and Outcomes (2018)

Italy: A Tale of Path-Dependent Public-sector Shrinkage (2017)

Italy: Centralisation of Budgetary Processes as a Response to the Fiscal Crisis (2017)

Public Policy and Administration: Tradition, History and Reforms (2017)

Recruitment and Autonomy in English Universities (2016)

Italy: Set Along a Neo-Weberian Trajectory of Administrative Reform? (2016)

EU Agencies and the European Multi-Level Administrative System (2015)

Administrative Reforms in the European Commission and the Neo-Weberian Model (2015)

Coordinating Care in the Italian Region of Lombardy (2014)

Journal Article

The ideational bases of public value co-creation and the philosophy of personalism: Why a relational conception of person matters for solving public problems (2025)

Contours of a research programme for the study of the relationship of religion and public administration (2024)

Religion, spirituality, faith and public administration: A literature review and outlook (2024)

Bringing Religion into Public Value Theory and Practice: Rationale and Perspectives (2024)

Integrating the Neo Weberian State and Public Value (2024)

Integrating philosophical perspectives into the study of public administration: The contribution of Critical Realism to understanding public value (2024)

The Neo-Weberian State in Italy: Understanding the Influence of Populist Government, EU Administrative Reform Support Policy, and Digitalization (2024)

Strategizing under conditions of Weberian bureaucracy and ethnic consociationalism (2024)

The long and winding road towards the EU policy of support to Member States public administration reform: History (2000–2021) and prospects (2024)

[Editorial] International public administration and management: Towards the third phase? (2023)

Advancing knowledge in public administration: why religion matters (2023)

Debate: Why the religious factor has been forgotten in PA studies? (And how to remedy it) (2023)

Social innovation during turbulent times: a systematic literature review and research agenda (2023)

Public management and policing: a dialectical inquiry (2023)

Insights into public management from policing: introduction to the special issue of Public Management Review (2023)

How the European Union responded to Populism and its Implications for Public Sector Reforms (2022)

Explaining system-level change in welfare governance: the role of policy indeterminacy and concatenations of social mechanisms (2021)

Public administration: Context and innovation (2021)

Public administration, context and innovation: A framework of analysis (2021)

A theoretical framework for studying the co-creation of innovative solutions and public value (2021)

Lo sviluppo del management pubblico in Italia come scienza, arte e professione: prospettive filosofiche [The development of public management in Italy as science, art and profession: Philosophical perspectives] (2021)

Strategic management as an enabler of co-creation in public services (2021)

L’administration européenne au défi de la philosophie (et inversement) [European administration challenged by philosophy (and vice versa)] (2021)

[Editorial] Non-Western philosophies and public administration (2021)

Bureaucratic discretion as a fascinating area of inquiry in public administration (2020)

Strategic Management in Public Organizations: Profiling the Public Entrepreneur as Strategist (2020)

Researching COVID-19: A Research Agenda for Public Policy and Administration Scholars (2020)

Influence of the European Semester on national public sector reforms under conditions of fiscal consolidation: The policy of conditionality in Italy 2011–2015 (2020)

The teaching of philosophy in public administration programmes (2019)

EU-driven public sector reforms (2019)

Toward Multi-Level Governance in China? Coping with complex public affairs across jurisdictions and organizations (2019)

Exploring Strategy-Making in ‘Non-New Public Management’ Public Services Settings: The Case of European Union Agencies (2019)

Influence of the EU (and the IMF) on domestic cutback management: a nine-countries comparative analysis. (2019)

Influence of EU (and IMF) on domestic consolidation and reform: Introduction (2019)

Too big to fail? The dynamics of EU influence and fiscal consolidation in Italy and Spain (2008–2016) (2019)

Change and continuity at PPA (2017)

Learning-Shaping Crises: A Longitudinal Comparison of Public Personnel Reforms in Italy, 1992‒2014 (2017)

Five challenges for public administration in Southern Europe (2016)

Five challenges for public administrations in Europe (2015)

New development: The descriptive and explanatory power of multilevel governance in the ‘hard case’ of dis-uniting political unions (2015)

The fiscal crisis in the health sector: Patterns of cutback management across Europe (2015)

Coordination Mechanisms for Implementing Complex Innovations in the Health Care Sector (2015)

NPM, administrative reforms and public service motivation: improving the dialogue between research agendas (2014)

The relationship between the new European governance emerging from the fiscal crisis and administrative reforms: Qualitatively different, quantitatively different, or nothing new? A plea for a research agenda (2014)

Public Sector Reform in a Context of Political Instability: Italy 1992–2007 (2014)

Innovation-Oriented Culture in the Public Sector: Do managerial autonomy and result control lead to innovation? (2014)

Multi-Level Governance and Public Administration