Open University Responsibilities
Director of Work-Based Learning (Science) 2012-date
BBC TV/ Radio-Health Sciences Consultant
Chair, Human Research Ethics Committee, 2010-2015, Deputy Chair 2015 to date (member from 2008)
Chair then Deputy Chair, Animal Welfare and Ethical Review Body (AWERB and predecessor) 2010-date
Chair, Validation Committees (range of medical, medico-legal, sports and linguistics institutions)
Member, Health Sciences Programme Board (ex Health sciences Awards Committee - LTC Co-ordinator)
Faculty representative, Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) initiative (weblink OU only)
Member, Life and Biomolecular Sciences Management Group 2008-'14
Department of Life, Health and Chemical Sciences Website Manager
Member, Science Web Action Group
UK National Committee Membership
BNA National Meeting Coordinator, 2007-‘17
Member Royal Society of Biology (RSB) Animal Sciences Group 2009-date
Member of the Forum for Higher Education in Paramedic Science (FHEPS) 2012-date
Member, RSB Public Engagement Working Group 2014-date
The Boyd Group (research ethics group) and Boyd Group ECOPA representative
National Centre for the 3Rs (NC3Rs) Experimental Design Working Group
Director, British Neuroscience Association (BNA) 2009-‘14
British Neuroscience Association (BNA) Honorary Treasurer 2009-‘14
BNA Committee member 1993-‘14 (Website manager 1993-'10)
The Boyd Group (research ethics group) Boyd Group ecopa representative
National Centre for the 3Rs (NC3Rs) Experimental Design Working Group
UK Governmental Responsibilities
Current none
Advisor, Animal Procedures Committee (APC) Education and Training Sub-Committee (APC ETSC)
The HoL Disabilities Partnership
Consultant, Home Office and UK Cabinet Office, 2008-'10
International Committee Membership
Current none
International Brain Research Organization Research/ Education# and Publications# Committees. (Website manager 1999-2005).
International Brain Research Organization (IBRO) Animals in Science Committee 1999-‘13
Society for Neuroscience (SfN) Public Education and Communication Committee (PECC) 2011-‘15
European Coalition for Biomedical Research (Founding Member) 2006-'09 Re-elected July, 2009.
#ad hoc
Professional Society Membership
Understanding Animal Research (ex Research Defense Society)
Member of the Physiological Society 1982-date
Lifetime Honorary Member of the British Neuroscience Association 2014-date (member from 1978)
Member of the Laboratory Animal Science Association (LASA) 2009-date
Member of the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS) 1998-date
Member of the International Brain Research Organization (IBRO) 1998-date
Member of the Society for Neuroscience (SfN) 1986-date
Associate member of the College of Paramedics 2012-date
Campaign for Science and Engineering in the UK (Save British Science)
University and College Union
Professional Education Responsibilities
UK and International Examiner, IMRCS Royal College of Surgeons (Intercollegiate/Collegiate, Physiology, Critical Care, Communication Skills, Exam and MCQ/SAQ writer) 2000-date
Science, Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEMNET) Ambassador 2008-date
UK and International Examiner, MFDS Royal College of Surgeons (Collegiate, Oral Biology, Communication Skills, OSCE/MCQ/SAQ writer) 1995-2000
External Examiner, University of London
External Examiner, Universiti Malaya
External Examiner, National Hospital, National University of Singapore
International Neuroscience Translation Project (BNA/IBRO/FENS/EDAB/SFN) - translating neuroscience texts into 30 internationally important languages
Science Education Resources (Public/Secondary Schools) advisor, UK Department of Trade and Industry
Specialist Sports College advisor, UK Department of Education and Skills
Advisor to the Wellcome Trust History of Medicine project "Todays Neuroscience, Tomorrow's History"
Recent television, radio broadcasts, public lectures and articles
What is brain plasticity and why is it so important? The Conversation, April 2016
BBC2 TV An Hour To Save Your Life
BBC 2 TV Lab Rats
BBC 1 TV Inside Out : Peripheral vascular diseases and diabetes
BBC 1 TV Inside Out : Alpha brainwaves
NBC/ BBC Radio 4/ DANA Centre Public Lecture : In Pursuit of Pain PPT available upon request
BBC 2 Don't die young (OU Scientific advisor) 2007 (the OU uses part of this on its cardiovascular diseases course)
Numerous radio programmes (approx 2 per annum), national/local newspaper and magazine articles. NBC video 23 Feb '07.
Directorships/ Trustee positions
Family Care Trust (former Foundation Trustee/Company Director)
British Neuroscience Association (Company Director '07-'11) Treasurer and Website Manager
Governor positions
Monkspath Junior and Infant School (Parent Governor and Chair or Governors for 8 years from 1987)
Ageing and cognitive impairment (with Prof. M.G. Stewart, OU)
Ageing is often associated with a general decline in neural and cognitive function. The ability of rats to be trained to find a hidden platform in a Morris water maze deteriorates in ageing. Using the water-maze behavioural paradigm in rats or using the retention of passive avoidance memory in the chick a key element in this study is to determine whether synaptic function has been enhanced in ageing rats or in chicks following beta-amyloid-induced memory block (cognitive impairment) following treatment with cognitive enhancing drugs and comparing the results with normal animals.
Funded by ReGen Therapeutics.
Investigation of the mechanism of action of Colostrinin™ on neurons in culture (with Prof. M.G. Stewart and Dr J. Saffrey, OU) postamble();
Using dissociated cultures of myenteric ganglia of the enteric nervous system or the neurons of the hippocampus we are investigating whether Colostrinin™, a proline-rich polypeptide, has beneficial effects on neuronal survival under normal conditions or following treatment with β-amyloid or hydrogen peroxide.
Funded by ReGen Therapeutics.
The relative efficacies of δ and µ opioid agonists (with Prof. T.A. Sears, KCL)
Using the digastric reflex and cerebellar evoked responses to trigeminal nerve stimulation we have developed a protocol we believe to be suitable for the evaluation of δ and µ opioid agonists. The object is to eventually develop potent analgesics free from the side-effects often associated with opiates. Several compounds are currently under investigation.
Funded by GlaxoSmithKline.
Cerebellar microzones (with Prof. T.A. Sears, KCL)
It is well recognised from clinical, behavioural and electrophysiological studies that the cerebellum plays a key role in fine motor control with regard to both the acquisition of new motor skills (motor learning) and the execution of those voluntary movements which, refined by use throughout life, are highly automated, such as in locomotion in the jaw, tongue and respiratory movements that subserve mastication and speech. To investigate the cerebellum more fully we have been studying in vivo the processing of naturally evoked tactile and nociceptive signals in the cerebellar microzones using the unique characteristics of the teeth and supporting structures (periodontium) and spike cross-correlation techniques.
Funded by GlaxoSmithKline.
Control of mastication (with Dr A.J. Thexton, KCL)
During suckling, rhythmic bursts of electromyographic activity occur simultaneously in a number of oral muscles that receive their motor innervation from different cranial nuclei and cervical spinal segments. We have tested the hypothesis was that this co-activity is due to synchronous rhythmic drive to the different motor neurones from a single central pattern generator. The findings so far suggest that, in infant animals, most of the rhythmic activity is generated by mechanisms that did not produce synchronous activity in co-active muscles. One possible explanation for this is that the bursts of activity were produced by plateau potentials within the motor neurones.
Funded by a National Institute of Health grant (USA).
Current research students
Ms Kristina Froud (on project 2 above)
Current research assistants
Ms Li XiuHui (working on reversioning health sciences course material for Beijing University)
Publications list (sample only) NEW
Multimedia publications
Other interests
Open University Teaching Responsibilities (current)
Chair, SK120 Diabetes care (presentation, maintenance Sept. '05 - present)
Chair, SK121 Understanding cardiovascular diseases (presentation, maintenance Sept. ’07 - present)
Member, Health Sciences Programme Board
Member, SK123 Understanding cancers NEW
Member, DS871 Exploring cognition: damaged brains and neural networks (maintenance Sept. '08 - present) NEW
Member, M.Sc. Clinical Neuroscience (presentation 2010) NEW
Advisory member, SDK122 Challenging obesity (presentation Autumn, ‘08) NEW
Open University Personal Identifier: X072207X
Previous course contributions
U205#, SD201#, SD226*, SXR204*#, BS811***, SXR270*, S293*#, SK277, SXR374**, SXR375**, SXR376** (in order from last to most recent)
*Course Team Member, **Summer School Course Director only, ***external advisor. No longer in presentation.
Director of the OU/NHS-Science Faculty Partnership '03-'05
Academic Coordinator OU Medical Education Project '00-'02 (to provide distance-taught medical education throughout the UK)
Professional Education Responsibilities (current)
UK and International Examiner, IMRCS Royal College of Surgeons (Intercollegiate/Collegiate, Physiology, Critical Care, Communication Skills, Exam and MCQ/SAQ writer)
UK and International Examiner, MFDS Royal College of Surgeons (Collegiate, Oral Biology, Communication Skills, OSCE/MCQ/SAQ writer)
External Examiner, University of London
External Examiner, Universiti Malaya
External Examiner, National Hospital, National University of Singapore, magazine article.
International Neuroscience Translation Project (BNA/IBRO/FENS/EDAB/SFN) - translating neuroscience texts into 30 internationally important langages
Science Education Resources (Public/Secondary Schools) advisor, UK Department of Trade and Industry
Specialist Sports College advisor, UK Department of Education and Skills
Science Engineering and Technology (SETPOINT) Ambassador '08 onwards NEW
Advisor to the Wellcome Trust History of Medicine project "Todays Neuroscience, Tomorrow's History" NEW
External Teaching
MRCS RCSEng "Preparing for your Viva voce"
Preparing for Intercollegiate MRCS Examination Course
Postgraduate Dental Surgical Training; Endodontics, Orthodontics, Physiology, Neuroscience, Oral Biology (MEndo, MOrtho)
Collaborative Teaching NEW
To be completed.
Invited lectures
08/03/2007 Open University: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Cognition - Memory
Work-related meetings attended (2007-2008)
30/01/2007 Sponsoring establishment and Affiliated Research Centre Programme
19-20/03/2007 OUVS Revalidation committee BA (Hons) Sports Studies (Solihull)
23/5/2006 National ARE Stakeholders conference, Cambridge
20/9/2005 Joint Home Office and Academic Licence Holders meeting
Courses attended
Start Date Course Code Name
12/03/2009 OU IT/I/S5 PowerPoint Expert
20/10/2008 OU HR/M/ELM Employment Law for Managers
16/10/2008 OU SU/R/BID Bidding for Funding Workshop : Bidding Basics
09/09/2008 OU IT/I/SC Structured Content
11/06/2008 Appointed person/ Emergency First Aid - valid to 10 June 2011NEW
01/02/2008 OU IT/I/ECDL European Computer Driving Licence Level 2 - 2008 Programme (M1:100, M2:94, M3:94, M4:94, M5:83) NEW
5-6/12/2007 OU Introduction to Participatory video (Insight)
07/12/2006 Home Office PPL Course
09/11/2006 OU IE/A/E-ASS e-Assessment and Moodle for Science 06
18/05/2006 OU HR/M/PLP Personal Leadership Programme - 070
09/05/2006 OU HR/A/CD Course Director (Residential School)
07/04/2006 OU FC/A/ACTIV Your course and the OU eTMA system
20/02/2006 OU HR/H/RP Radiological Protection
08/12/2005 OU IE/A/OLASS On-line Assessment Workshop
29/09/2005 OU IE/A/SCICT Science Faculty Course Team Refresher Day
10/09/2005 OU FC/A/ACTIV CTC Professional Development Programme
16/05/2005 OU HR/A/AM Assessment methods delivery quality assurance etc
12/06/2003 OU P/RDS Research Degree Supervisor Training - Ketteridge
17/05/2002 OU P/AM2 Assessment methods delivery quality assurance etc
27/11/2001 OU IT/EXT/PP Implementing SharePoint Portal Server 2001
11/05/2001 OU IT/G4 Advanced FrontPage 98
20/02/2001 OU IT/F6 FirstClass for Conference Controllers
30/11/2000 OU IT/F5 Advanced FirstClass
05/06/2000 OU IT/X1 Introduction to FirstClass for Medical Education
21/03/2000 OU P/IND24-AM Induction-morning.
Open University conferences attended
15-16/10/2007 2nd Open CETL Conference "Pushing the boundaries"
28/3/2008 Milton Keynes Schools Conference
Open University PhD Examinations
9/3/2005 Anna Maria Abai R4857245 Gene therpy for Type 1 diabetes melitis: insulin delivery using plasmid DNA
BNA Meetings
9/5/2007 Promemoria EU Integrated Project. Current Research Methods in: Functional Cellular Neuroimaging and Microscoopy
10/5/2007 Promemoria Workshop Demonstration of the Morris Water Maze behavioural test
4-8/9/2007 Glial Cells in Health and Disease - The VIIIth European Meeting
14/12/2006 Royal Society, The Legacy of Golgi and Cajal: past, present and future
Name | Type | Parent Unit |
Biomedical Research Network (BRN) | Network | Faculty of Science |
Neuroscience Research Group | Group | Faculty of Science |
Role | Start date | End date | Funding source |
Co-investigator | 01 Jul 2016 | 30 Jun 2019 | Regenero Consorcio Regenero |
Creation and development of a fibrin-based pro-angiogenic tissue matrix type scaffold. The goal is optimise the strutcure of the material to support mesenchymal stem cell pro-angiogenic and immuno-modulatory function for dermal and connective tissue reconstruction of chronic ulcers. The project involves a collaboration between the OU, the Institute of Biomedical Engineering at UCL (UCL IBME) and Cells for Cells, a Chilean Cell therapy company (C4C) spun out from University of Los Andes (UANDES) managed by a grant adminstration compay, Regenero. |
Effectiveness of work-based educational interventions for antimicrobial stewardship: a systematic review (2024-12)
Langdridge, Darren; Virhia, Jennika; McMullan, Rachel; Banks, Duncan; Biard, Olivier; Charitonos, Koula; Alunyo, Jimmy Patrick; Kagoya, Enid Kawala and Olupot-Olupot, Peter
JAC-antimicrobial resistance, 6, Article dlae192(6)
The Learning Design & Course Creation Workshop: Impact of a Professional Development Model for Training Designers and Creators of Online and Distance Learning (2024-03)
Olney, Tom; Rienties, Bart; Chang, Daphne and Banks, Duncan
Technology, Knowledge and Learning, 29 (pp. 45-63)
Classification of the Central Effects of Transcutaneous Electroacupuncture Stimulation (TEAS) at Different Frequencies: A Deep Learning Approach Using Wavelet Packet Decomposition with an Entropy Estimator (2023-02-20)
Uyulan, Çağlar; Mayor, David; Steffert, Tony; Watson, Tim and Banks, Duncan
Applied Sciences, 13, Article 2703(4)
Complexity and Entropy in Physiological Signals (CEPS): Resonance Breathing Rate Assessed Using Measures of Fractal Dimension, Heart Rate Asymmetry and Permutation Entropy (2023)
Mayor, David; Steffert, Tony; Datseris, George; Firth, Andrea; Panday, Deepak; Kandel, Harikala and Banks, Duncan
Entropy, 25, Article 301(2)
Unusual clinical spectra of childhood severe malaria during malaria epidemic in eastern Uganda: a prospective study (2023)
Namayanja, Cate; Eregu, Egiru Emma Isaiah; Ongodia, Paul; Okalebo, Charles Benard; Okiror, William; Okello, Francis; Okibure, Ambrose; Paasi, George; Kakungulu, Hellen; Grace, Abongo; Muhindo, Rita; Banks, Duncan; Martin, Chebet; Taylor-Robinson, Simon and Olupot-Olupot, Peter
Malaria Journal, 22, Article 169(1)
Use of menstruation and fertility app trackers: a scoping review of the evidence (2021-04-13)
Earle, Sarah; Marston, Hannah; Hadley, Robin and Banks, Duncan
BMJ Sexual & Reproductive Health, 47(2) (pp. 90-101)
CEPS: An Open Access MATLAB Graphical User Interface (GUI) for the Analysis of Complexity and Entropy in Physiological Signals (2021-03-08)
Mayor, David; Panday, Deepak; Kandel, Hari Kala; Steffert, Tony and Banks, Duncan
Entropy, 23(3) (pp. 321-355)
Minimal Patients’ Clinical Variables to Accurately Predict Stress Echocardiography Outcome: Validation Study Using Machine Learning Techniques (2020)
Bennasar, Mohamed; Banks, Duncan; Price, Blaine and Kardos, Attila
JMIR Cardio, 4, Article e16975(1)
Mobile Self-monitoring ECG Devices to Diagnose Arrhythmia (AR) that coincide with Palpitations: A Scoping Review (2019-09)
Marston, Hannah R; Hadley, Robin; Banks, Duncan and del Carmen Miranda Duro, María
Healthcare, 7, Article 96(3)
Safety of medicines and the use of animals in research (2011-07-09)
Balkwill, Frances; Whitehead, Stephen; Willis, Phil; Gaymond, Nigel; Kent, Alastair; Page, Clive; Lovell-Badge, Robin; Morris, Roger; Lemon, Roger and Banks, Duncan
The Lancet, 378(9786) (pp. 127-128)
Colostrinin™ alleviates amyloid-β induced toxicity in rat primary hippocampal cultures (2010)
Froud, Kristina E.; Wardhaugh, Tina; Banks, Duncan; Saffrey, M. Jill and Stewart, Michael G.
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 20(2) (pp. 423-426)
Three-dimensional ultrastructural and immunohistochemical study of immature neurons in the subgranular zone of the rat dentate gyrus (2009-08)
Popov, V. I.; Kraev, I. V.; Banks, D.; Davies, H. A.; Morenkov, E. D.; Stewart, M. G. and Fesenko, E. E.
Biophysics, 54(4) (pp. 497-512)
Education and training for people working with and caring for those with diabetes (2007)
Lloyd, Cathy and Banks, Duncan
Practical Cardiovascular Risk Management, 5(3) (pp. 14-15)
Enhancement of long-term memory retention by Colostrinin in one-day-old chicks trained on a weak passive avoidance learning paradigm (2006-07)
Stewart, Michael G. and Banks, Duncan
Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 86(1) (pp. 66-71)
How might the cultural learning preferences of the participants of the enhancement of lifelong learning in Belarus (BELL) project impact on their learning designs? (2020-10)
Olney, Tom; Endean, Mark and Banks, Duncan
In : Final Conference on Erasmus+ project Enhancement of Lifelong Learning in Belarus (13-14 Oct 2020, Brest, Belarus) (pp. 20-28)
Evaluating the impact of the Learning Design and Course Creation (LDCC) workshop on the participants of the enhancement of Lifelong Learning in Belarus (BELL) project (2020)
Olney, Tom; Endean, Mark and Banks, Duncan
In : Proceedings of the final conference on the Erasmus+ project. Enhancement of Lifelong learning in Belarus (13-14 Oct 2020, Brest) (pp. 12-19)
Role Of Digital Health Wearables In The Wellbeing And Quality Of Life Of Older People And Carers (2018-03-14)
Minocha, Shailey; Tudor, Ana-Despina; Banks, Duncan; Holland, Caroline; McNulty, Catherine; Ail, Rohit; Palmer, Jane and Bowering, Sue
In : Knowledge Exchange Seminar Series (KESS): Using Technology in Social Care (14 Mar 2018, Belfast)
Investigating the role of wearable activity-tracking technologies in the well-being and quality of life of people aged 55 and over (2017-05-10)
Minocha, Shailey; Holland, Caroline; Banks, Duncan; McNulty, Catherine and Tudor, Ana-Despina
In : Wearable Technologies Special Interest Group, ACTIS (Advanced Clinical Technology Innovation Support) programme (10 May 2017, Kents Hill Park Training & Conference Centre, Milton Keynes, England)
Investigating the influence of wearable activity - tracking technologies on behaviour change in people aged 55 and over (2017-02-22)
Minocha, Shailey; Banks, Duncan; Holland, Caroline and Palmer, Jane
In : 3rd Centre for Behaviour Change Digital Health Conference: Harnessing Digital Technology for Behaviour Change (22-23 Feb 2017, Mary Ward House, Tavistock Place, London)
Social isolation and loneliness in people aged 55 and over in Milton Keynes: developing an action plan (2016-04-27)
Minocha, Shailey; Holland, Caroline; McNulty, Catherine; Banks, Duncan and Palmer, Jane
In : Tackling Loneliness And Social Isolation Workshop, Ageing Well and Living Well, Milton Keynes Health and Wellbeing Board (27 Apr 2016, Civic Offices, Milton Keynes Council, Milton Keynes, UK)
Role of wearable activity-tracking technologies in the well-being and quality of life of people aged 55 and over (2016-04-15)
Minocha, Shailey; Banks, Duncan; Holland, Caroline; Palmer, Jane; McNulty, Catherine and Peasgood, Alice
In : Haptics for Education workshop at STEM Futures – Lifelong Learning in the Digital Age, 5th eSTEeM Annual Conference 2016 (14-15 Apr 2016, The Open University, UK)
Social isolation and loneliness in people aged 55 and over in the UK (2016-04-14)
Minocha, Shailey; Holland, Caroline; McNulty, Catherine; Banks, Duncan and Palmer, Jane
In : Campaign to End Loneliness Research Hub Meeting (14 Apr 2016, London School of Economics, 9th Floor Research Suite, Houghton Street, London, WC2A 2AE)
Social isolation and loneliness in people aged 55 and over in Milton Keynes: the way forward (2016-02-23)
Palmer, Jane; Minocha, Shailey; Holland, Caroline; McNulty, Catherine and Banks, Duncan
In : Ageing Well and Living Well Scoping Workshop (23 Feb 2016, Age UK Milton Keynes, The Peartree Centre, Milton Keynes)
The protective effect of colostrinin CLN(TM) against beta-amyloid and an oxidative stress inducer, menadione, in primary hippocampal cultures (2008)
Froud, K.; Saffrey, M. J.; Stewart, M. G.; Banks, D. and Wardhaugh, T.
In : FENS Forum 2008 (12-16 Jul 2008, Geneva)
Investigation of the mechanism of action of Colostrinin(TM) on neurons in culture (2006-07)
Froud, K. E.; Wardhaugh, T.; Stewart, M. G.; Banks, D. and Saffrey, M. J.
In : 5th Forum of European Nueroscience (8-12 Jul 2006, Vienna, Austria)
Work-based learning interventions for antimicrobial stewardship: a systematic review (2023)
Langdridge, Darren; McMullan, Rachel; Virhia, Jennika; Banks, Duncan; Charitonos, Koula; Giri, Santoshi; Olupot-Olupot, Peter and Vaidya, Abhinav
PROSPERO, CRD42023447115
Investigating the role of wearable activity-tracking technologies in the well-being and quality of life of people aged 55 and over (2017-07-24)
Minocha, Shailey; Banks, Duncan; Holland, Caroline; McNulty, Catherine and Tudor, Ana-Despina
Report submitted to Sir Halley Stewart Trust, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
Social isolation and loneliness in people aged 55 and over in Milton Keynes (2015-05-26)
Minocha, Shailey; Holland, Caroline; McNulty, Catherine; Banks, Duncan and Palmer, Jane
The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.