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Dr Autumn Thomson

Autumn has wavy orange red hair, and blue eyes, she is wearing a checked pink shirt and purple body warmer.

Profile summary

Professional biography

Following an interest in software development from an early age and a successful years placement under the Year In Industry scheme I went to the University Of Sheffield to study Software Engineering. A mixture of my experience in industry and nature of the course at Sheffield made me curious about the efficiency of software development methods and led to my PhD and postdoctoral study in Software Development methods. I have also held a long intrest in the scholarship of learning and teaching:  in software engineering (particualrly in group projects) and doctoral training.

​I have taught various subjects in computing at the Universities of Sheffield and Hull and the Open Univeristy since 2005.

​I was the co-chair of the UK Research Staff association from July 2010 until July 2011, and I was the founding vice chair of the International Consortium of Research Staff Associations from July 2012 until November 2013.

Research interests

Autumn's research is focused on the scholarship of learning and teaching at the Open University. She has particular intrest in supporting degree apprentice students in their study.

My publications prior to starting at the OU can be found on Orcid.

Teaching interests

Autumn is a member of the TM352: Web, mobile and cloud technologies module team, she has contributed sprints on Software Enginering to TMXY225 and TMXY235 which are proffesional practice modules in the Graduate Apprenticeship programme in Scotland. Autumn was previously the qualification lead for the Digital and Technology Solutions Professional Degree Apprenticeship programme in England.



Practice Tutors – Integrating Learning and Employability (2019)
Thomson, C.
In : Employability Fair (20/11/2019, Open University, Milton Keynes, UK)

Survey on tutorials attendance for apprentices (2022)
Thomson, Chris; Carter, Marina and McIntrye, Dave
Open University