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Alan Shipman

Profile summary

Professional biography

Returned to research and teaching on the economy after it crashed in 2008, having (mis)spent years as an emerging-markets analyst, consultant and business journalist. Lucky enough to have been taught economics when capital controversies were still on the curriculum and rationality of expectations was open to debate.

Research interests

Macro-economics and accounting; power and elites; Chinese multinational business; status and transfer of (economic) knowledge.

Recent books:

Wynne Godley: A Biography, Palgrave 2019

The New Power Elite, Anthem Press 2018 (with Aneira J Edmunds and Bryan S Turner)

Capitalism Without Capital: Accounting for the Crash, Palgrave 2015 

Knowledge Monopolies: The Academisation of Society, Imprint Academic 2006 (with Marten Shipman)

The Globalization Myth, Icon Books, 2002

Recent articles:

Andreoni A., Chang H-J., Konzelmann S. & Shipman A. (2018) Introduction to the Special Issue: Towards a production-centred agenda, Cambridge Journal of Economics 42(6) 1495-1504.

Rui H., Zhang M. & Shipman A. (2017) Chinese expatriate management in emerging markets: a competitive advantage perspective, Journal of International Management 23(2) 124-138

Rui H, Zhang M & Shipman A (2016) Relevant knowledge and recipient ownership: Chinese MNCs’ knowledge transfer in Africa, Journal of World Business 51(5) 713-728

Mazzucato M & Shipman A (2014) Accounting for productive investment and value creation, Industrial and Corporate Change 23(1) 1-27

Gleadle P, Parris S, Shipman A & and Simonetti R (2013) Restructuring and innovation in pharmaceuticals and biotechs: the impact of financialisation, Critical Perspectives on Accounting 25(1), 2013, 67-77

Baert P & Shipman A (2005) University under siege? European Societies 7(1), 2005, 157-85

Shipman A (2004) Lauding the leisure class: symbolic content and conspicuous consumption, Review of Social Economy 63(2), 277-289.

Nolan P, Rui H & Shipman A (2004) Coal liquefaction, Shenhua Group and China’s energy security, European Management Journal 22(2), 2004, 150-164

Shipman A (2003) Pragmatism, realism and the economist/economy divide, Foundations of Science 8(1), 23-50.

A repository of research publications and other research outputs can be viewed at The Open University's Open Research Online.

Teaching interests

Currently member of Economics in Practice (DD226) production team and You and Your Money (DB125) presentation team. 

Impact and engagement

Editorial board, Cambridge Journal of Economics


Research groups

NameTypeParent Unit
Financial Capabilities Research GroupGroupThe Faculty of Business and Law
Financial History GroupGroupThe Faculty of Business and Law


Cinema Co-production, Film Distribution in Multiple Languages and Inequality in the Global Language System: A Call for Robust Public Data (2024-04-05)
Vogel, Ann and Shipman, Alan
Cinéma & Cie. Film and Media Studies Journal, 23(41) (pp. 57-72)

Streaming the festival: what is lost when cultural events go online (2024)
Shipman, Alan and Vogel, Ann
Review of Social Economy, 82(1) (pp. 126-146)

Elite philanthropy and applied economics: the Rockefeller Foundation’s role in post-war research direction (2023-01-03)
Vogel, Ann and Shipman, Alan
Cambridge Journal of Economics, 47(1) (pp. 1-19)

Big Tech Oligopolies, Keith Cowling, and Monopoly Capitalism (2022-11)
Conyon, Martin; Ellman, Michael; Pitelis, Christos N; Shipman, Alan and Tomlinson, Philip R
Cambridge Journal of Economics, 46(6) (pp. 1205-1224)

Introduction to the Special Issue: Towards a production-centred agenda (2018-11)
Andreoni, Antonio; Chang, Ha-Joon; Konzelmann, Sue and Shipman, Alan
Cambridge Journal of Economics, 42(6) (pp. 1495-1504)

Chinese expatriate management in emerging markets: A competitive advantage perspective (2017-06)
Rui, Huaichuan; Zhang, Miao and Shipman, Alan
Journal of International Management, 23(2) (pp. 124-138)

Relevant knowledge and recipient ownership: Chinese MNCS’ knowledge transfer in Africa (2016-09-30)
Rui, Huaichuan; Zhang, Miao and Shipman, Alan
Journal of World Business, 51(5) (pp. 713-728)

Accounting for productive investment and value creation (2014-08)
Mazzucato, Mariana and Shipman, Alan
Industrial and Corporate Change, 23(4) (pp. 1059-1085)

Restructuring and innovation in pharmaceuticals and biotechs: the impact of financialisation (2014-02)
Gleadle, Pauline; Parris, Stuart; Simonetti, Roberto and Shipman, Alan
Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 25(1) (pp. 67-77)

The New Power Elite: Inequality, Politics and Greed (2018)
Shipman, Alan; Turner, Bryan and Edmonds, June
ISBN : 9781783087884 | Publisher : Anthem Press

Capitalism without Capital: Accounting for the crash (2015)
Shipman, Alan
ISBN : 978-1-137-44244-4 | Publisher : Palgrave Macmillan

Personal Investment: Financial Planning in an Uncertain World (2010)
Mazzucato, Mariana; Lowe, Jonquil; Shipman, Alan and Trigg, Andrew
ISBN : 978-0-230-24660-7 | Publisher : Palgrave Macmillan | Published : Basingstoke, UK

Global economic inequality, the great divergence, and the legacies of colonialism and enslavement (2024)
Shipman, Alan; Chukwuma, Julia Ngozi and Dauncey, Emil
In: Dauncey, Emil; Desai, Vandana and Potter, Robert eds. The Companion to Development Studies (4th Edition)
ISBN : 9780429282348 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : London, UK

How can finance better serve the real economy? (2019-09-19)
Shipman, Alan
In: Konzelmann, Sue; Himmelweit, Susan; Smith, Jeremy and Weeks, John eds. Rethinking Britain: policy ideas for the many
ISBN : 978-1447352525 | Publisher : Policy Press

Why do we need publicly listed companies? (2019-09-19)
Shipman, Alan
In: Konzelmann, Sue; Himmelweit, Susan; Smith, Jeremy and Weeks, John eds. Rethinking Britain: policy ideas for the many
ISBN : 978-1447352525 | Publisher : Policy Press

The rise of the embedded intellectual: new forms of public engagement and critique (2013-11-28)
Baert, Patrick and Shipman, Alan
In: Thijssen, Peter; Weyns, Walter; Timmrman, Christiane and Mels, Sara eds. New Public Spheres: Recontextualizing the Intellectual. Public Intellectuals and the Sociology of Knowledge (pp. 27-50)
ISBN : 978-1-4094-6092-3 | Publisher : Ashgate | Published : Farnham

Transforming the intellectual (2011-07-01)
Baert, Patrick and Shipman, Alan
In: Rubio, Fernando Dominguez and Baert, Patrick eds. The Politics of Knowledge (pp. 179-204)
ISBN : 978-0-415-49710-7 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : Abingdon

Social science and the democratic ideal: from technocracy to dialogue (2009)
Baert, Patrick; Jeronimo, Helena and Shipman, Alan
In: Van Bouwel, Jeroen ed. The Social Sciences and Democracy
ISBN : 9780230224391 | Publisher : Palgrave

Financialisation As An Enabler Or Inhibitor Of Innovation? The Case Of UK Biotech (2012-01)
Gleadle, Pauline; Parris, Stuart; Shipman, Alan and Simonetti, Roberto
FINNOV, Milton Keynes.