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Andrew Law

Image of Andrew Law

Profile summary

Professional biography

My interest lie in helping new learners move from informal to formal learning, and in particular supporting those with little or no access to traditional formal educational.

I joined the OU in April 09. I now help co-ordinate and develop the OU open (free) educational media strategy and the delivery of that free educational service (see blog or Open Media Unit overview). This service includes our national and international TV and radio broadcasts with the BBC, as well as OpenLearn, YouTube, iTunesU, and FutureLearn activities.

Current Focus

 I feel the OU has two key focus area challenges/opportunities:


  • Ensuring we play an active role in the emerging new business of service to learners models in a post MOOC world. This includes  evidenced models for effective institutional OER/free learning/MOOC business models and strategies - ensuring they are articulated, assessed and shared.
  • Developing partnerships that deliver sustainable scale and quality in the support of informal learning (including free/OER/MOOC) - see below.


  • Exploitation of research informed pedagogies/technologies to enhance informal learning including the social layer (peer based support, social networks, reputation) and badging/micro-credentials in accelerating and enhancing informal learner experience.

Previous Work

After leaving Sussex University with qualifications in Development Psychology and Artificial Intelligence I worked for the BBC. For ten years I made TV and radio programmes for the OU (including some of the more popular strands of Science output such as Rough Science – now on Discovery). And for 8 years I was head of e-learning at BBC Worldwide Ltd. I have led teams producing a wide range of www, broadband and mobile including products for Department for International Development and The World Bank Institute (in Kenya, Ghana and Ethiopia), literacy materials for Asylum seekers in the UK, and teacher training materials for UK Head teachers via the National College of School Leadership, and executive training for Oracle/Cranfield University. 

External collaborations

We have a range of partnerships which help us support what we do: 

  • BBC (we co-produce around 30 TV and radio series every year - reaching over 250m 'views' each year)
  • Google (we have a Google adword grant of $0.5m to help promote discoverability of OpenLearn and we syndicate content to Google Play in the form of free ebooks and OpenLearn feeds as an Andriod App).

We have a major collaboration with OU in Scotland on OEPS - Open Educational Practices in Scotland. This aims to develop awareness, understanding and capacity in open educational practices in the region. We hope it will also have a broader, long term legacy of providing a series of courses and capacity building courses and tools so others (anyone) can launch their own OERs 

In addition we have a range of other relationships to help us reach as many learners as possible including: 



Badging and employability at The Open University (2015-12-01)
Law, Patrina; Perryman, Leigh-Anne and Law, Andrew
European Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning, Best of EDEN 2013-2014, Article 704

Collaborating over rich media: The Open University and BBC partnership (2012-03)
Lane, Andy and Law, Andrew
In: Okada, Alexandra; Connolly, Teresa and Scott, Peter J. eds. Collaborative Learning 2.0: Open Educational Resources (pp. 357-368)
ISBN : 9781466603004 | Publisher : IGI Global

Digital badging at The Open University: recognition for informal learning (2014-10-23)
Law, Patrina and Law, Andrew
In : The Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference 2014: 'New Technologies and the Future of Teaching and Learning ' (23-24 Oct 2014, Krakow, Poland)

Broadcasting environmental knowledge: Open University & BBC collaborations serving massive global audiences (2013-12-12)
Brandon, Mark; Smith, Joe; Garrow, Kat and Law, Andrew
In : American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2013. (9-13 Dec 2013, San Francisco)

Developing sustainable business models for institutions’ provision of open educational resources: Learning from OpenLearn users’ motivations and experiences (2013-10)
Perryman, Leigh-Anne; Law, Patrina and Law, Andrew
In : Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference 2013 (23-25 Oct 2013, Paris, France) (pp. 270-286)

Open educational resources for all? Comparing user motivations and characteristics across The Open University’s iTunes U channel and OpenLearn platform. (2013-10)
Law, Patrina; Perryman, Leigh-Anne and Law, Andrew
In : Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference 2013 (23-25 Oct 2013, Paris, France) (pp. 204-219)

Data, data everywhere, but ne’er time to think: identifying patterns in user behaviour across changing open media channels (2013-03)
Lane, Andrew and Law, Andrew
In : OER13: Creating a Virtuous Circle (26-27 Mar 2013, Nottingham)

A bridge to success (2012-04)
Law, Patrina; McAndrew, Patrick; Law, Andrew; Warner, Kathy; Runyon, Jean; Lascu, David; Arundel, Anne and Muramatsu, Brandon
In : Cambridge 2012: Innovation and Impact – Openly Collaborating to Enhance Education, a joint meeting of OER12 and OpenCourseWare Consortium Global 2012 (16-18 Apr 2012, Cambridge, UK)

Sharing and reusing rich media: lessons from The Open University (2011)
Lane, Andrew and Law, Andrew
In : OCWC Global Conference, (04-06 May 2011, Boston, Massachusetts)

The Object Shop – Using CD-ROM Multimedia To Introduce Object Concepts (1997)
Woodman, Mark; Law, Andrew; Holland, Simon and Griffiths, Rob
In : SIGCSE 97: twenty-eighth SIGCSE technical symposium on Computer science education (27 Feb - 01 Mar 1997, San Jose, California, USA) (pp. 345-349)

The Open University Digital Think Tank: Position Paper (2015-10-01)
Littlejohn, Allison; Sharples, Mike; Smidt, Samantha; Law, Andrew; Hollins, Paul and Tynan, Belinda
The Open University

Open Engagement Through Open Media (2012-07)
Lane, Andy and Law, Andrew
Higher Education Academy