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Introducing the social sciences

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This module provides an ideal introduction to the social sciences –  social policy and criminology, geography and environment, politics and international studies, economics and sociology. You’ll explore a wide range of topics which shape the nature of contemporary UK society; from questions of identity, inequalities and differences to consumerism and environment, and issues of social order, disorder and governance. Using a blend of text, audio, video and online materials, you’ll be equipped with a range of skills for independent study and your personal and working life.

What you will study

Introducing the social sciences provides an accessible and contemporary introduction to the social sciences and the questions and issues that social scientists investigate and explore. It is an ideal entry-level module for a range of social science and related qualifications.

The module begins with The Life and Times of the Street as a window into a range of social issues which social scientists are interested in exploring. In addition to providing the starting point for the three questions that form the teaching strands of this module, the street is regarded as a place that provokes questions and issues, which you'll return to at various points during your study. By exploring the street, this module aims to show you how social life is being made and remade in the contemporary UK.

The three module-wide questions are:

  • How is society made and remade? This asks how people make society in their relations with one another and with the world around them, and how, in turn, society shapes people.
  • How are differences and inequalities produced? People making and being shaped by society generate differences between and inequalities among groups and individuals – you'll discover where these come from and how they change.
  • How do we know? This sets out how social scientists investigate and answer questions about society.

You'll explore social science answers to these questions by looking at the following three strands of study:

1: Making lives
This addresses questions about how people make and remake their lives but not in circumstances of their own choosing. Through a focus on consumerism and shopping, power and markets, you'll explore how social lives are made and remade, how individuals’ identities and sense of self are shaped by their relationship with other people and with objects. In addition, you will examine the constraints and opportunities that impact people’s ability to belong to a consumer society.

2: Connecting lives
The second strand is about the various ways that individuals and their social lives are made and remade through connections to, and disconnections from, other people and places, plus how they see themselves, see others and where they live. A key focus will be on the insights sociologists can bring to an examination of questions of identity. This will be in relation to personal and social lives, issues of class, gender, race and disability and issues around our connections to place and migration.

3: Ordering lives
The final strand explores some of the different ways in which social life is ordered and governed through the rules, norms and expectations people have of one another in day-to-day interaction. You'll discover how these are made and remade; how social order and ordering vary in time and place; and how social order is contested, challenged and sometimes broken. You'll explore the relationship between social order and disorder, beginning at the level of homelessness and finishing with examining the role played by political authorities (governments and states) in defining and attempting to govern order and disorder.

You will learn

By studying this module, you'll learn:

  • the nature of the social sciences and the ways they develop through a process of questions, arguments, evidence and evaluation
  • some key issues and debates at the centre of life in the contemporary UK.

You’ll develop an awareness of a range of different disciplinary approaches in the social sciences, and you will gain confidence and skills in:

  • studying and accessing information from a range of sources
  • constructing arguments
  • reading, interpreting and evaluating evidence
  • presenting and communicating ideas and information in a variety of formats
  • managing your time
  • communicating effectively
  • learning from feedback
  • reflecting on your own learning.

Entry requirements

This is a key introductory OU level 1 module. OU level 1 modules provide core subject knowledge and study skills needed for both higher education and distance learning to help you progress to modules at OU level 2. 

Introducing the social sciences is available for standalone study and is an ideal starting point if you are considering going on to study one of our qualifications in social sciences. Its interdisciplinary approach to the social sciences and its integrated teaching of key study skills will give you a firm foundation for further study.

If you have any doubt about the suitability of the module, please speak to an adviser.

What's included

You’ll be provided with two printed module books and have access to a module website, which includes:

  • a week-by-week study planner
  • course-specific module materials
  • audio and video content
  • assignment details and submission section
  • online tutorial access.

Computing requirements

  • Primary device – A desktop or laptop computer. It’s possible to access some materials on a mobile phone, tablet or Chromebook; however, they may not be suitable as your primary device.
  • Peripheral device – Headphones/earphones with a built-in microphone for online tutorials.
  • Our OU Study app operates on supported versions of Android and iOS.
  • Operating systems – Windows 10 or 11 or macOS Ventura (or higher).
  • Internet access – Broadband or mobile connection.
  • Browser – Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge are recommended; Mozilla Firefox and Safari may be suitable.

Teaching and assessment

Support from your tutor

You’ll get help and support from an assigned tutor throughout your module.

They’ll help by:

  • marking your assignments and offering detailed feedback to help you improve
  • providing individual guidance, whether that’s for general study skills or specific module content
  • guiding you to additional learning resources
  • facilitating online discussions between your fellow students in the dedicated module and tutor group forums.

Online tutorials run throughout the module. Where possible, we’ll make recordings available. While they’re not compulsory, we strongly encourage you to participate.


The assessment details for this module can be found in the facts box.

If you have a disability

The OU strives to make all aspects of study accessible to everyone and this Accessibility Statement outlines what studying DD102 involves. You should use this information to inform your study preparations and any discussions with us about how we can meet your needs.

Future availability

Introducing the social sciences starts twice a year – in February and October. This page describes the module that will start in October 2025 and February 2026 when we expect it to start for the last time.

Course work includes:

5 Tutor-marked assignments (TMAs)
1 Interactive computer-marked assignment (iCMA)
End-of-module assessment

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