What you will study
The module begins with an introductory unit in which the statistical prerequisites are reviewed and the statistical software package SPSS is introduced. Then the four topics of the module are introduced in successive books, each with associated computer material.
Book 1 Medical statistics
The first book describes how to identify factors associated with disease, and includes topics such as cohort and case-control studies; investigating sources of bias; randomised trials; and meta-analysis.
Book 2 Time series
The next book covers methods for analysing data collected over time, and forecasting future values using exponential smoothing and ARIMA models.
Book 3 Multivariate analysis
The third book discusses statistical methods for presenting and analysing data on several variables, with sections on principal component analysis and discrimination.
Book 4 Bayesian statistics
Book 4 introduces the Bayesian approach to statistics, in which expert knowledge can be incorporated into statistical models. This approach has become very popular in recent years, in part owing to the availability of special statistical software such as WinBUGS, which is used in this module.
Review unit
The final unit takes a look back at the module as a whole.
The module is illustrated with practical examples and real data sets from a range of subject areas, including epidemiology, economics, education, genetics, and environmental science. Numerous activities and exercises, also based on real data, are used to illustrate the methods and develop statistical modelling and critical assessment skills.
You can find the full content list on the Open mathematics and statistics website.
You will learn
Successful study of this module should improve your skills in analysing and interpreting data, communicating statistical ideas clearly and succinctly, and in using professional software.
Vocational relevance
Applied statisticians and data analysts directly use the content taught in this module – in medical statistics, forecasting, handing multiple outcome data and in updating expert knowledge with new observations. You’ll also develop skills in statistical computing using the packages SPSS and WinBUGS and more generally in data presentation and interpretation.
Professional recognition
This module may help you to gain membership of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (IMA). For further information, see the IMA website.
This module may also help you to apply for the professional award of Graduate Statistician conferred by The Royal Statistical Society (RSS).