Respected qualificationsOur qualifications are underpinned by research of international excellence and our innovative teaching methods are world-leading. That’s why thousands of students in the UK trust us to deliver their education.
Innovative teachingWe’re the only UK university dedicated to distance learning. Our research into teaching strategies and educational technologies ensures that our materials are effective, engaging and thoughtfully designed with distance-learning students in mind.
Expert tutorsYou’ll have a dedicated tutor for each module. As well as marking your assignments and providing feedback, your tutor will guide you through your studies and help with any specific study challenges you’re facing.
Pioneering spiritOver 50 years ago we opened up a new world of learning to people who didn’t have access to university education. That pioneering approach is why we remain the best at delivering distance education, and have helped over two million students achieve their ambitions.
Supported distance learningYou’re never alone when you’re studying with us. Your community of expert tutors and fellow students will support you every step of the way. Your learning will either be online, or a mix of online and printed materials. Wherever you can get online, you’ll be able to study.
AffordabilityWe offer a range of payment options to help make Open University study affordable and accessible. Our Finance Finder makes it quick and easy for you to discover your payment options.