We’re coming to the end of the RE:FORM project and we’re holding an open evening at MAKLab to report on what we’ve found. We’d love to see you there.
Over the last few months we’ve been working with makers and designers to explore what it means to work remotely to design and fabricate prototypes. We’ve also been holding workshops and talking to industry and education representatives about what the challenges are for training the next generation of designers and makers.
We’d like to share our findings with you at a public event on Wednesday 11th November at MAKLab, from 18:30-20:00.
This will give you an opportunity to find out about the project, the work we’ve done, and where we’d like to head in the future. All are welcome.
MAKLab: Charing Cross Mansions, 30 St. Georges Road, Glasgow, G3 6UJ
Contact the team at: reform-project@open.ac.uk if you need more information.