Dr Beck Pitt, The Open University
2017 is the #YearOfOpen … a 365 day celebration of open education and the anniversary of a number of key milestones in its development, including the Cape Town Declaration, 15 years since the Budapest Open Access Initiative, and the 5th anniversary of the Paris OER Declaration.
We’re excited to announce that, in addition to all the excellent events happening around the world, we’ll also be hosting a Year of Open event here at The Open University, UK (OU) on the afternoon (BST) of Tuesday 20th June 2017.
Select Celebrate the #YearofOpen for more details.
Join colleagues from the OU’s OER Hub as we celebrate openness at the OU with a series of lightning presentations from colleagues across the university, exploring what openness means to them and their roles. Speakers include:
Openness and the Open University Library: How librarians are supporting openness
Nicola Dowson, Library Senior Manager (Research Support) and Dan Crane, Research Support Librarian)
Opening Educational Practice beyond the Open University: Open Platform and Practices
Anna Page, Senior Producer: Open Education Projects
“Openness demonstrated by the Opening Educational Practices in Scotland project, working with partners creating open online courses and further developing OpenLearn Create to support open practices, online course building and hosting.”
From Theory to Practice: An Open Educational Journey
Tim Seal, TESS-India Technical Director
“How UK based advocacy with the Support Centre for Open Resources in Education (SCORE) lead to global implementation.”

An Open Research University. Credit Beck Pitt.
Ethics in Knowing: Rationales for Openness
Richard Holliman, Professor of Engaged Research, Faculty of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
“In this talk I will briefly introduce three rationales for openness within Higher Education (normative, substantive and instrumental), and explore how they can be deployed at strategic and operational levels.”
Discussing the future of open education
The second half of the afternoon will be led by Professor Martin Weller from the OU’s Institute of Educational Technology; discussion will focus on how we can shape open at the OU.
Don’t miss it! We will be live streaming the event via Periscope (@OER_Hub) and a recording will be available via our YouTube channel shortly afterwards. So, mark the date and we do hope you can join us. A more detailed final programme will follow shortly… see Celebrate the #YearofOpen for more details.

Celebrate the Year of Open at the Open University
Image credits:The Year of Open logo is licensed CC BY 4.0.