A blog about design at the OU.

  • Reviving Department Stores as Destination Spaces

    Reviving Department Stores as Destination Spaces

    The London Architecture Festival comes to an end this Wednesday after a month of diverse and fascinating events. With many being hosted online this year, this has afforded the opportunity to attend far more than would normally be possible. Elouise Huxor and I have been exploring some of the discussions around learning spaces, and in […]

  • Some Research Conclusions… with Playmobil!

    Some Research Conclusions… with Playmobil!

    My research is investigating ways to reduce carbon emissions from heritage buildings while retaining their heritage values, I have mostly completed my data collection and am now in the process of analysing it all. Once again the OU Graduate School are running a research poster competition that includes a multimedia option and this seemed like […]

  • Homeworld ’81 revisited

    Homeworld ’81 revisited

    The Homeworld ’81 BBC Future Home 2000  Last month I attended one of the online events celebrating the 40thanniversary of the Milton Keynes Homeworld ‘81 exhibition. Yes, I am old enough to have been there (so was Robin Roy and a number of other old timers from the OU). Indeed, as I was covering the […]

  • Co-designing inclusive design education

    Co-designing inclusive design education

    How can we shape an inclusive design education that is responsive to the diversity of students’ needs, interests and professional and personal context? This was a question we started exploring yesterday in an online workshop with students from our current Design and Innovation qualification. We feel so fortunate to have had the opportunity to hear […]

  • The post-pandemic sustainable future of community gardens in London (Online Workshop)

    The post-pandemic sustainable future of community gardens in London (Online Workshop)

    Online Workshop on Friday 30th of April 2021 from 10am – 1pm During the Covid-19 pandemic, people’s relationships with plant life have altered as has their use of urban green spaces. In UK cities, people have rediscovered public parks as spaces to meet up with friends and family, take a walk, and do sports. In […]

  • Claiming our turf. Making spaces safe through inclusive urban design.

    Claiming our turf. Making spaces safe through inclusive urban design.

    Over recent weeks the media has been full of women sharing their stories about their experience of sexual harassment, and the statistics are shocking. It’s shocking too, that women, myself included, are not surprised by them. 97% of young women have been the victim of sexual harassment and, over the last decade, a woman has […]

  • Design for repair and maintainability

    Design for repair and maintainability

    Recently, I have been thinking about design for repair and maintainability.  The three ‘R’s of sustainability remind us to Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, but ‘Reuse’ can be a challenge when so many products are not designed with maintenance or repair in mind.  Home printers are a good example, with huge numbers of printers ending up in […]

  • Pick a metric, any metric! Designing Building Energy Standards

    Pick a metric, any metric! Designing Building Energy Standards

    The UK Government is currently consulting on the Future Building Standard which includes updates to parts of the building regulations dealing with energy use in buildings (MHCLG, 2021). The built environment is a major user of energy and contributor to carbon emissions so tightening standards for new buildings and retrofit is an important step for […]

  • An Open Innovation tool for the design toolkit

    An Open Innovation tool for the design toolkit

    Sometimes, designing can mean to juggle multiple ideas, opinions, deadlines or budgets all in a single project. The goal, the plan to get there, and the values that drive us are in constant flux, whether we agree or not. As a project unfolds, it can be easy to lose track of priorities or objectives; becoming […]