A blog about design at the OU.

  • Envisioning Futures of Design Education

    Envisioning Futures of Design Education

    Do you know how design should be taught in the future? Our recent paper in the journal Dialectic reports on a workshop we held with a group 6 design educators and 40 international participants to explore the future of design education.   To spark off the discussion, the 6 design educators presented 4 provocative future […]

  • Blindekuh


    This summer, I finally had a chance to visit Blindekuh. Blindekuh is a restaurant in Basel, Switzerland, but more than that it is a unique experience. On arrival, you need to lock everything that is light emitting away, your phone, your watch, etc. Then, you have a look at the menu in the waiting area. […]

  • PhD Fellowship Opportunities at the Energy DTA

    PhD Fellowship Opportunities at the Energy DTA

    Energy research opportunities at The Open University (OU) through the DTA3 COFUND Marie Skłodowska-Curie PhD Fellowship Programme.   The OU is a partner on the successful bid for the ‘Extended University Alliance Doctoral Training Alliances (DTA) in Energy, Applied Biosciences for Health and Social Policy called The DTA3 COFUND Marie Skłodowska-Curie PhD Fellowship Programme. This is […]

  • Learning about design and technology

    Learning about design and technology

    Learning about design and technology:  It is not true – there is such a thing as a free course! Design and technology are increasingly ubiquitous concepts.  This is reflected in several recently launched free OpenLearn Courses in areas relevant to engineering, software and industrial design. ——-Find out more TT284 An introduction to web applications architecture An introduction […]

  • Getting good social design to happen

    Getting good social design to happen

    Georgy Holden’s post last week got me thinking. Do have a look at it. Georgy made a link between the philanthropic housing activities of the 19th century ‘model village’ builders and the lessons for today with the push for the private sector to build vast amounts of new homes. She is so right that there […]

  • Design for (fully) living

    Design for (fully) living

    In 1887 William Hesketh Lever, a grocer’s son from Bolton, purchased a large parcel of swampy land in Birkenhead with the intention of building a soap factory. That factory was the start of what is now the global company Unilever. William Lever, later Lord Leverhulme, had a strong vision for business, but it is his […]

  • Where do creative ideas come from?

    Where do creative ideas come from?

    ‘All designers probably say the same thing, that inspiration is everywhere and in everything. We study the work of great mathematician and designer, Buckminster Fuller and others like him – it leads to new ideas.’ So says lighting designer Ian Cameron. https://camerondesignhouse.com/collections/collection The source of ideas can be fairly general. For example, the Inspiration for […]

  • Is it smart to be Smart?

    Is it smart to be Smart?

    Smart products are elements of product-service-systems which use processors, sensors and communication technologies to collect and communicate data. The most common example is the smart phone which is a multi-functional device that uses its embedded technologies in different ways according to the installed apps, for example as activity tracker, health monitor, shopping assistant, etc. Based […]

  • Design Star Methods Day

    Design Star Methods Day

    For the last two years we’ve hosted a research methods day for the AHRC funded Centre for Doctoral Training  ‘Design Star‘. This year we focused on exploring the relationship between ontologies, epistemologies and methodologies in our own research  … through the making of personal ‘thinking positions’ pyramids and placing them on a landscape describing different paradigms of approaching research, […]