A blog about design at the OU.

  • Architectural Innovation in Energy Systems

    Architectural Innovation in Energy Systems

    Electricity systems underpin much of everyday life in the city.  As urban populations expand, become more affluent and carbon reduction targets ramp up it is likely that such systems will need to change considerably over the coming years.  Here many commenters argue that wholesale transitions to low carbon robust electricity systems are needed.  However, as […]

  • The design thinking of children

    The design thinking of children

    One may argue that we are all natural designers. From very young age, we are designing: we are looking around us with a critical eye, we develop opinions about things and spaces that we like or dislike, we are dreaming about a better future, but also we experiment and make things that could make our […]

  • Engaging children in design

    Engaging children in design

    As part of a research project that aims to explore the processes of empowering people to design (www.empoweringdesign.net), the research team has occasionally explored different ways for engaging the children of participating families in the design of community spaces. This typically occurs in workshops and open day events where children of adult participants engage in […]

  • Bauhaus 100

    Bauhaus 100

    The Bauhaus –one of the world’s most influential art and design schools – was established by Walter Gropius in Weimar, Germany in 1919 and this year the centenary of its foundation is being celebrated in Germany and many other countries. Beginning in Weimar, relocated to Dessau in 1925 and closed in Berlin under pressure from […]

  • AI, are you a watcher or a skeptic?

    AI, are you a watcher or a skeptic?

    Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly being used to aid humans in many scenarios and everyday tasks or challenges. From health and welfare to leading military systems AI is already being seen by designers and developers, as futuristic technologies which are available today. But what is AI technology? What can it do? What can it do for humans now and […]

  • Design dreams of digital worlds – but is digitech sympathetic?

    Design dreams of digital worlds – but is digitech sympathetic?

    The architectural collective Assemble– winners of the Turner Prize – continue to explore the designed and manufactured world in the second part of BBC Radio 4’s series, The Sympathy of Things inspired by John Ruskin’s views on aesthetics and the central role of sympathy. With Amica Dall and Giles Smith, the BBC state “The series is an argument […]

  • Taste some Raspberry Pi? Yes please!

    Taste some Raspberry Pi? Yes please!

    Raspberry Pis are a key smart technology at the heart of the Internet of Things (IoT) and are central to the design of our future smart cities. At the Open University, there is interest in the way smart technologies can help build and manage the world we live in, and in their role in helping […]

  • Co-designing a Makerspace with the La Campagna-Altamira Community in Mexico

    Co-designing a Makerspace with the La Campagna-Altamira Community in Mexico

    I am just back from Monterrey in the north of Mexico, and can’t wait to share what I have done there. I worked on co-creating a Makerspace with La Campana-Altamira, an impoverished and marginalised community in the otherwise comparably wealthy city of Monterrey. Since the former Mexican president Calderon declared the Drug War, this low-income […]

  • Innovating Pedagogy – Virtual Studios

    Innovating Pedagogy – Virtual Studios

    The Innovating Pedagogy report for 2019 has just been published by The Open University (IET) in conjunction with the Centre for the Science of Learning & Technology (SLATE), University of Bergen, Norway. The Design Group have one of the sections on Virtual Studios (Section 7!) So I thought I’d share a couple of the stranger […]