A blog about design at the OU.
Fashion UK – sustainability and ethics
High profile leaders from the Fashion Industry meet with politicians and academics in Westminster on 20 November 2019 to discuss sustainability and ethics in fashion. This conference follows a report from the House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee in February 2019. Design is central to meeting industry sustainability goals. It is tremendous that these issues […]
Designers Telling Stories
Netflix has recently released season two of Abstract: The Art of Design, a series which celebrates innovative designers from a range of fields, including fashion, graphics, interface, architecture, automotive, etc. Some of the designers may be familiar to you, if not by name then perhaps by output. For example, Tinker Hatfiled (Season 1 Episode 2) […]
Yorkshire Sculpture Park
The Open University is part of a Centre for Doctoral Training, called DesignStar http://www.designstar.org.uk. The centre had organised a Summer School at the Yorkshire Sculpture Park https://ysp.org.uk a couple of weeks back. On the first day, the group of around 20 students and supervisors had a choice to attend either of two sessions led by the […]
Design Revolutions? IASDR 2019
The IASDR2019, a biannual conference on design research, organised by the International Association of Societies for Design Research, brought together a truly international group of researchers and designers. This year’s theme ‘design revolutions’ steered some discussions around design and change. I asked myself: As we are living in a more and more chaotic and rebellious […]
Conference Report: Learn X Design 2019
Conference Report: Learn X Design 2019 | Crossposted from https://www.designresearchsociety.org/articles/learn-x-design-2019 The fifth annual DRS Pedagogy SIG Learn X Design conference, Insider Knowledge, was held July 9-12 at the Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey. And the Design Group were represented by both past and present members. The conference hosted 150 delegates from 81 institutions in […]
Playmobil as a design and communication tool
PhD students at the OU are encouraged to engage in ‘research dissemination’, so that we can share our research with lots of different audiences with various knowledge levels. Every year in early June the graduate school holds a Postgraduate Research Poster Competition to give us an opportunity to share our research. As a first year […]
I installed email notification
I hope everyone is having a great summer! If you’d like to add your email to receive blog post and comment notifications from Open@Design (that is if you are currently not an ‘author’) please send me an email at nicole.lotz@open.ac.uk
Designing the 2019 Design Qualification student exhibition
For the second year running, the Design and Innovation Qualification team organised an exhibition of students’ work across its 3 core design modules U101, T217/T218 and T317. The exhibition was designed by 3 student designers: Rukhsana Ali (U101), Patrice Belton (U101) and Kristina Valenkova (T317) and one professional exhibition designer: Dawn Correa (also tutoring U101 […]
Professor Godfrey Boyle
Professor Godfrey Boyle, Emeritus Professor in the Design Group at the Open University, has sadly died. After studying Electrical Engineering at Queens University, Belfast and working as journalist for Electronics Weekly, in the early 1970s he founded ‘Undercurrents’, a pioneering quarterly magazine of ‘radical science and people’s technology’. ‘Undies’ initially came out as a collection […]