
OULDI-Carpe Diem 7Cs pilot workshops

A new learning design initiative which capitalised on the benefits of OULDI and Carpe Diem (the learning design workshop developed at the University of Leicester, arising originally out of another JISC-funded project, ADELIE, in 2006) was developed as part of the JISC OULDI project. This initiative was piloted through two workshops: an online workshop to a group of nine academics from SAIDE (South African Institution of Distance Education) in March 2012, and a face-to-face workshop to a group of twelve academics from Leicester in April 2012. The aim of the initiative was twofold:

·         To apply OULDI and Carpe Diem resources to Leicester and SAIDE contexts and to determine the transferability of the existing methodologies to different contexts, in both face-to-face and online settings

·         To develop a set of new learning design resources by combining OULDI and Carpe Diem resources

Overall the initiative was highly valued and well-received by the participants. The existing tools and methods were easily transferable to different contexts. The initiative also enabled us to make significant progress in the development of a new learning design intervention – the 7Cs workshop which will be continuously developed and refined through follow up pilots within the University of Leicester and beyond.

University of Leicester (2012) OULDI pilot report (including appendices), pp63

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