Reading University’s participation in the OULDI project has been led by Maria Papaefthimiou (e-Learning Manager) and builds upon and is a natural continuation of the work started in the Pathfinder project, which aims to drive forward enhancement by assisting academic staff to adopt innovative approaches to designing the curriculum. It is hoped that the Learning Design methodology could provide a way of embedding changes and enhancements at the course and programme levels.
The focus for Reading over the past 18 months has been twofold:
- To engage with academics at the curriculum design stage to promote and support the use of pedagogically appropriate technology in course design and delivery.
- To identify the most appropriate process to engage with academics, and the best methods for doing so.
To date Reading have run two very successful Design Challenge events, and 5 pilots with academic lecturers on the PGCAP programme using the OULDI tools.
Reading University (2010) OULDI Pilot Interim Project Update, 32pp
Reading University (2012) OULDI Pilot Final Report (including appendices), 110pp
Using CompendiumLD SeLCs presentation at Reading University
Using CompendiumLD for Course Design from ReadingLDI on Vimeo.
As part of their final report the Reading project team have followed the journeys and experiences of three academic staff members using the OULDI tools and approaches. These have been written up into three narrative stories: