Project Publications & Reports

Final Project Reports

OULDI-JISC Project Evaluation Report: the impact of new curriculum design tools and approaches on institutional process and design cultures (PDF) Cross, S., Galley, R., Brasher, A. & Weller, M., (2012)

This report presents an evaluation of the OULDI-JISC Project (Open University Learning Design Initiative JISC Project). In particular, it considers the impact of new curriculum design tools and approaches piloted by the project on institutional processes and design cultures. These tools and approaches include tools for sharing learning design expertise (Cloudworks), visualising designs (CompendiumLD, Module Map, Activity Profile) and for supporting design and reflection in workshops (Facilitation Cards, workshop activities, etc.). The project has adopted a learning design approach so as to help foreground pedagogy and learner experience. Nine pilots have been completed across six UK universities.

Pilot Reports

FELS Pilot: The impact of early learning design on the efficiency and effectiveness of curriculum design processes and practices: Faculty of Education and Languages Studies Case Study Final Report. Galley, R. (2012)

Library Services Pilot: Using a learning design approach to embedding an information literacy framework; OU Library Services Pilot Final Report. Galley, R., Reedy, K., Parker, J. and Thomas, J. (2012)

Reading Pilot: Learning Design Initiative at the University of Reading: Pedagogy and technological choices; Reading Pilot Final Report. Papaefthimiou, M. (2012)

Brunel Pilot: Learning Design Initiative at Brunel University: Using a blended learning design approach to optimise the use of technology; Brunel Pilot Final Report. Alberts, P., Sharma, A. and Parnis, N. (2011)

Leicester Pilot: Learning Design Initaitve at the University of Leicester: OULDI Carpe Diem 7Cs pilot workshops: Leicester Pilot Final Report. Nie, M., Witthaus, G., Conole, G., and Armellini, A. (2012).

B2S Pilot: Applying standardised representational frameworks for the pedagogical benchmarking and review of a module: B2S Pilot Final Report. Galley, R. (2012)

Support Units Pilot: Using a learning design approach to support evolving design practices at the OU: Support Units Pilot Report. Galley, R. (2012)

Cambridge Pilot: University of Cambridge Case Study Final Report: 13 Things for Curriculum Design. De Baets, A. and Sheppard, D. (2011)

Conference papers and publications

Date/Paper title/Conference OULDI Authorship (●=OU team, ○= other OULDI pilot member, – =non-OULDI author)
1st 2nd 3rd 4th+
Preliminary findings from a series of staff surveys on perceptions, attitudes and practices of learning design
ALT-C (September 2009) Link
Cloudworks: Social Networking for Learning Design
ASCILITE (December 2008)
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Ritual Performances and collective intelligence
Networked Learning Conference (May 2010)
The Open University Learning Design Initiative new approaches
EDEN conference (June 2010)
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Cloudworks as a Pedagogical Wrapper
European LAMS and Learning Design Conference (July 2010) Link
Embedding Learning Design Processes
ALT-C Conference (September 2010)
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Seeding the cloud: using Cloudworks for resource management for the ELESIG community of practice
ALT-C conference (September 2010) Link
Collectivity, performance and self-representation
Book chapter (2011)
Design the Curriculum: from innovation to enhancement
International Blended Learning Conference (June 2011) Link
Curriculum Design: an approach for successfully embedding TEL
ALT-C Conference (September 2011)
Representing the Curriculum: re-imagining learning
ALT-C conference (September 2011) Link
● –
CompendiumLD Art and Science of Learning Design
London Knowledge Labs event (October 2011) Link
CloudEngine: creating networks for professional development and research
SEDA Conference (November 2011) Link
Bridging the gap between good pedagogic practice and effective use of new technologies: evaluating a learning design approach
SEDA Conference Poster (November 2011)
What Needs to Change in Curriculum Design
JISC Online Conference (November 2011) Link

Buisiness process review and project reporting

Baseline Report: A Review of Curriculum Design at the Open University 2008-09: OULDI-JISC Project Baseline Report (Cross, S. (ed.), Conole, G., Mundin, P., Galley, R., Clark, P., Brasher, A., and Culver, J, 2009).

Interim Project Report to JISC Number 1: Sept 08 – Oct 09, 16pp

Interim Project Report to JISC Number 2: Nov 09 – Apr 10, 29pp

Interim Project Report to JISC Number 3: May 10- Oct 10, 24 pp

Cloudworks Reports

Summary Report for Cloudworks Development Phases-one and two, 52pp Galley, R. (2009).

Expert Usability Testing Report Phase-1 / Phase-2 /Phase 3 (February 2011)

Accessability Audit Report phase-2 (see also the Word version)

End of Phase 2: Cloudworks User Survey May to June 2010 Galley, R. (2009)

Case study: Using Cloudworks for an Open Review

Case study: Using Cloudworks at Conferences

CompendiumLD Reports

Presentation: Using CompendiumLD for Course Design: An example from Real Estate and Planning, University of Reading

Co-written or revised with OU Strategic Project (2007-2009)

Cross, S., Conole, G., Galley, R., Mundin, P., Brasher, A., Clark, P. and Culver, J., (2010). The Learning Design Initiative Institutional Project Phase Two Report: Embedding learning design and establishing a reversioning culture,133pp.

Cross, S., Clark, P. and Brasher, A. (2009). Survey of Staff Perceptions, Practice and Attitudes around eLearning: Report outlining staff responses to OULDI surveys conducted between May-July 2009, 13pp.

Cross, S. and Conole, G. (2008/09), Learn about learning design, Learn about guides series, The Open University: Milton Keynes, available