January 7th, 2010SocialLearn 2010
Happy New Year Everyone…
May 2010 be an Open, Social, Connected year for us all!
Things have been busy here on the SocialLearn project since the summer, and since we’d been hoping for a Q4 public beta launch, it’s about time we gave you an update.
We’ve been pondering long and hard what it means to tune social media spaces for learning. We’ve been building prototypes, and seeing what makes and breaks the user experience. And believe me, along with some very positive responses from our 1000+ early beta test users, we also heard loud and clear when we didn’t get that experience right! So, lots of detailed design work to tune.
We’ve also been presenting the motivation and design concepts for this work to all sorts of audiences from education and government, to business and foundations, plus a few public forums. We’ve been getting an overwhelmingly consistent message: As we contemplate an education system, and workplace learning, deemed by most thought leaders as increasingly not fit-for-purpose in the 21st Century, the SocialLearn team has made some significant steps forward in its thinking and design.
None of the team has ever presented anything that had so positive a response. But the ultimate irony, in an open social world, would be to think we can navigate these rapids alone.
Meanwhile the world has not stood still… more and more people have been tuning into learning of all hues as one of the compelling, untapped applications for the participatory, large scale conversations that the social-semantic web enables, which is exciting to see. Oh, and the planet went into financial meltdown, which has hit us as hard as many other institutions.
So… even as we get a grip on the design challenges, the sands are shifting under our feet. We’re therefore about to transition out of our strategic “exploratory project” status within the OU as follows:
- We’re moving from operating as a confidential business project, to an open source, open architecture, open partnership modus operandi. In forthcoming posts we’ll share how we’re thinking about the challenges and opportunities, and invite your participation.
- One area of focus up until now was to explore whether the project could generate new revenue streams. This is no longer a current priority, so we’re not seeking to create a joint venture with commercial partners.
- Internally, we’re building a light, agile, responsive space to be rolled out for use initially by OU communities (students, staff, alumni). Once it’s proved its worth, we’ll then open it up to informal learners outside the OU.
- In parallel, in order to take the work to the next level we’re also seeking external R&D funding and, as a result, will be engaging in-depth with external partners and their communities, to shape the user experience to their particular needs.
What we’re also saying, of course, is that we’re not about to throw open the doors to a public site, as originally envisaged. Sorry to disappoint, but it’s an uncertain design space we’re in here, and we’re not there yet.
The next phase is going to be the most interesting, and we’ll keep you posted 🙂
Image sources:
John Seely Brown and Richard P. Adler: Minds on Fire: Open Education, the Long Tail, and Learning 2.0
Joel Greenberg on Code, Community & Commerce for Open Social Learning at Open Social Learning 2009 [Twitter archive]
Pioneers of Change‘s work on Dialogue and Learning: a social, relational, conversational, transformative and liberational Learning Circle, South Africa. [Twine photo]
January 7th, 2010 at 12:09 pm
It sounds to me as though you have got this approach about right.
The idea is sound, and the trick is to work out how people would like to use it – and then fit the architecture to how that is.
January 7th, 2010 at 12:27 pm
Social comments and analytics for this post…
This post was mentioned on Twitter by sociallearn: Open U’s SocialLearn Project: update at http://www.open.ac.uk/blogs/sociallearn/2010/01/07/sociallearn-2010…
January 7th, 2010 at 4:42 pm
I can see that the team is very agile. For to start with the early beta version was difficult to grapple with. But now the fog is clearing and I am very impressed.
January 7th, 2010 at 4:59 pm
Quote from “About Tab”
‘Our immediate target groups are the hundreds of thousands of users in the Open University’s online communities. In parallel, we’ll be sharing the project’s thinking via this blog, twitter and slideshare, and seeking partners to refine and resource a public, open source offering.’
My comment: please define “blog”, “twitter” & “slideshare” When I went to school 50 years ago a blog was a kind of numpty, someone with 2 left feet, rather clumsy and not very bright. Birds twitter, and when that term was applied to a person it implied an empty brain, someone who made a lot of noise but no sence, someone who had to speak just for the sake of speaking, not because they had something relavent, pertinent or interesting to say. I know what a sliderule is but I have never heard of a slideshare. Could it be a share which you do not own but sell anyway in the hope of buying it back at a much reduced price before the end of the account?
“since we’d been hoping for a Q4 public beta launch, it’s about time we gave you an update.”
What is a “Q4 public beta launch”?
None of this makes any sence. Why on earth would anyone want to fit “ARCHITECTURE” to “SOCIAL POLICIES”
Seems to me that the Open University must be awash with fumds when it can sponsor such rubbish.
January 11th, 2010 at 12:03 pm
Very true.. The beta version was bit difficult to grape up. But as they are upgrading it and I am looking forward to have the best in 2010..
January 12th, 2010 at 11:43 am
Very interesting and indeed inspiring to see how agile you are. But do remember that the site will have to change continually. The journey will never end!
The REAL challenge, I think, is getting the network going. In other words, giving people a reson to interact and creating some “stickiness”.
January 12th, 2010 at 11:45 am
And to the guy that asks what a blog, twitter (www.twitter.com) and slideshare are – may I intoduce you to Wikipedia (www.wikipedia.com) 🙂
January 12th, 2010 at 8:12 pm
‘What is a “Q4 public beta launch”?’ Q4 = fourth quarter of the year (Oct, Nov, Dec). Public = not restricted to those with invitations. Beta = still under development. Launch = opening.
‘Architecture’ relates to how SocialLearn is designed and built. I don’t think the blog has referred to ‘social policies’ – but social learning is a method of learning – so you could obviously learn about social policies, architecture or anything else in this way.
January 18th, 2010 at 1:41 pm
Good to see that you don’t consider SociaLearn as a potential stream of revenue anymore. Pity – on the other hand – that you restrict access to internal OU people for the time being. We’re doing the same with some of our projects at OUNL, and I think that’s a shame. Always open for partnership, as you know.
March 7th, 2011 at 8:44 pm
[…] SocialLearn » Blog Archive » SocialLearn 2010 — It seems that SocialLearn is moving into a new model — open source and open architecture. […]