Author Archives: Charlotte Webb

Why do I need to study maths? I’m not doing a maths degree

Written by Gerry Golding Hello, I’m Gerry Golding, deputy chair of Developing Statistical Thinking (ME626). In this blog I would like to tell you about a new and exciting scholarship project that Andrew Potter and I are about to undertake. … Continue reading

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Fluxional calculus for fifteen-year-olds: A masterclass in the History of Mathematics

Written by Brigitte Stenhouse, PhD student in History of Mathematics at the Open University. The reactions I get when I tell people that my PhD is in History of Maths invariably involve some surprise: history and maths aren’t an obvious … Continue reading

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Maths in a Zhen Xian Bao

Written by Hilary Holmes, Open University Staff Tutor in the School of Mathematics and Statistics. One of the great things about working for the OU is that occasionally we are able to share lots of wonderful mathematical ideas with hundreds … Continue reading

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Properties of a parallelogram, written by Stanley Collings Prize winner 2018 Ann Jehan.

This blog post was written by Ann Jehan, an ME627 student who received the 2018 Open University Stanley Collings prize. The Stanley Collings prize is awarded annually by the School of Mathematics and Statistics. The prize is awarded to the … Continue reading

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A visit from Cambridge Mathematics

On Tuesday 8th May we were visited by Lucy Rycroft-Smith, a former OU student, who spoke to the academics in the School of Mathematics and Statistics about her work on the Cambridge Mathematics project, including researching and writing mathematics “Espressos”. In her seminar, she … Continue reading

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Teaching Mathematics – An OU tutor’s perspective

Written by OU tutor Nick Constantine. I have been teaching for about 30 years, so it had to happen sooner or later. ‘You taught my Dad’, said the young man a couple of years ago. I looked at him and … Continue reading

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Studying ME627 with Open University – Challenging, but worth it.

Written by OU student Christine Soerjowidjojo. When I was at school, back in Indonesia, learning mathematics was about memorising formulas and the times tables. However, since beginning my journey at the OU, I have become aware that learning and understanding … Continue reading

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Year 9 Mathematical Resilience Day at the Open University

On Friday 9th March, we hosted the very first Open University Mathematical Resilience Day for students in year 9 in the Hub Theatre on campus. The day was aimed primarily at girls with a focus on building their mathematical resilience. … Continue reading

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Getting to know the Mathematics Education team

Suki Honey I have been an associate lecturer with the OU since 2003. During that time, I have been a tutor on ME620, as well as ME624 ME820, ME825. As well as being an AL for the OU, I also … Continue reading

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Bletchley Park – A code breaking masterclass

This weekend I was invited to Bletchley Park to run a code breaking workshop with a group of year 9 students, as part of our Open University and Royal Institution mathematics masterclass series. It also happened to be the Park’s … Continue reading

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