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the experience of reading in Britain, from 1450 to 1945...

Reading Experience Database UK Historical image of readers

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 √ Century of ExperienceEvidenceName of Reader / Listener / Reading GroupAuthor of TextTitle of TextForm of Text
1600-1699'This day in the gazette was the whole story of defeating the Scotch Rebells, and of the creation of the Duke of Cambridge Knight of the Guarter.'Samuel Pepys [n/a]London GazettePrint: Newspaper
1600-1699'Thence home to dinner; and there W. Hewer dined with me, and showed me a Gazett in Aprill last (which I wonder should never be remembered by anybody) which tells how sev...Samuel Pepys [n/a]London GazettePrint: Newspaper
1600-1699'and so to supper and to read, and so to bed'Samuel Pepys [unknown][unknown]Print: Book
1600-1699'And I to my closet, there to read and agree upon my vowes for next year; and so to bed - and slept mighty well.'Samuel Pepys [vowes]Unknown
1600-1699'And so home and to supper, and then saw the Catalogue of my books which my brother hath wrote out, now perfectly Alphabetical; and so to bed.'Samuel Pepys [Samuel and John] Pepys[Catalogue of his books]Manuscript: Unknown
1600-1699'So home to supper, and then to read a little in Moore's "Antidote against Atheisme", a pretty book; and so to bed.'Samuel Pepys Henry MoreAn antidote against atheism, or, An appeal to the ...Print: Book
1600-1699'And a little to my Lord Chancellors, where the King and Cabinet met, and there met Mr Brisband, with whom good discourse; to White-hall towards night, and there he did l...Samuel Pepys Andrew MarvellThird Advice to a paynterManuscript: Unknown
1600-1699'so did not enlarge, but took leave and went down and sat in a low room reading Erasmus "de scribendis Epistolis", a very good book; especially, one letter of advice to a...Samuel Pepys Desiderius ErasmusDe conscribendis epistolisPrint: Book
1600-1699'and then I home to supper, and to read a little and to bed.'Samuel Pepys [unknown][unknown]Print: Book
1600-1699'and so after supper and reading a little, and my wife's cutting off my hair short, which is grown too long upon the crown of my head, I to bed.'Samuel Pepys [unknown][unknown]Print: Book
1600-1699'At noon dined well, and my brother and I to write over once more with my own hand my Catalogue of books, while he reads to me.'John Pepys Samuel Pepys[Catalogue of books]Manuscript: Sheet
1600-1699'I am very well pleased this night with reading a poem I brought home with me last night from Westminster hall, of Driden's upon the present war - a very good poem.'Samuel Pepys John DrydenAnnus Mirabilis: the year of wonders, 1666; an his...Print: Unknown
1600-1699'how[ever], I fell to read a little in Hakewill's "apology", and did satisfy myself mighty fair in the truth of the saying that the world doth not grow old at all, but is...Samuel Pepys Dr George HakewillAn apologie or declaration of the power and provid...Print: Book
1600-1699'and I read the petty-warrants all the day till late at night, that I was very weary, and troubled to have my private business of my office stopped to attend this - but m...Samuel Pepys [unknown][petty-warrants]Manuscript: Unknown
1600-1699'and then went home and read a piece of a play (Every Man in his Humour, wherein is the greatest propriety of speech that ever I read in my life); and so to bed.'Samuel Pepys Ben JonsonEvery Man in his HumourPrint: Book
1600-1699'I did this day, going by water, read the Answer to the "Apology for Papists", which did like me mightily, it being a thing as well writ as I think most things that ever ...Samuel Pepys William LloydThe late apology in behalf of the papists, reprint...Print: Book
1600-1699'and then home to read the lives of Henry the 5th and 6th, very fine, in Speede; and so to bed.'Samuel Pepys John SpeedThe history of Great BritainePrint: Book
1600-1699'I home and there to read very good things in Fullers "Church History" and "Worthies", and so to supper'Samuel Pepys Thomas FullerThe church-history of BritainPrint: Book
1600-1699'I home and there to read very good things in Fullers "Church History" and "Worthies", and so to supper'Samuel Pepys Thomas FullerHistory of the worthies of EnglandPrint: Book
1600-1699'This day in the barge I took Berchensha's translation of Alsted his "Templum"; but the most ridiculous book, as he hath translated it, that I ever saw in my life; I decl...Samuel Pepys John BirchenshaTemplum MusicumPrint: Book

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