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the experience of reading in Britain, from 1450 to 1945...

Reading Experience Database UK Historical image of readers

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 √ Century of ExperienceEvidenceName of Reader / Listener / Reading GroupAuthor of TextTitle of TextForm of Text
1600-1699'But the Mother ... coming one Morning early into her Chamber, she found her Reading in a Book in Bed, at which the Daughter being surprized, let it fall into the Bed, an...Ann Ketelbey Robert Persons (or Parsons)[unknown]Print: Book
1600-1699She read saints' lives and was 'as it were enflamed with a desire of imitating them'. Her needlework was always accompanied by the 'reading of some spiritual book' (presu...Mary Talbot, Countess of Shrewsbury unknown[spiritual books]Print: Book
1600-1699Eve Cohan is taken to church by her Christian music master to hear the organ; a New Testament is 'secretly conveyed to her' and 'she took great delight in reading in it',...Eve Cohan BiblePrint: Book
1600-1699The boy is 'discontented ... because I cannot understand that which I reade'. The Devil Magirus 'expounded the places that were difficult', and for this reading expertise...anon [a boy] [unknown][unknown]Print: Book
1600-1699'Even while she spelled words and syllables, she spelled out Christ; for if she met with a free promise, or some good sentence, holding out Gods love to man, she would sa...Martha Hatfeild BiblePrint: Book
1600-1699'il resolut de lire encore l'Evangile' (he resolved to read the Gospel again): is converted to Christianity and baptised in London.'Le Juif baptise' (The Baptised Jew) BiblePrint: Book
1600-1699'She spent much time in reading the Scripture, and a Book called The best friend in the worst of times ... Another Book that she was much delighted with, was Mr Swinnock'...Sarah Howley BiblePrint: Book
1600-1699'a Bible lying near her, she took it up, and opened it in the presence of the Company, who observing what place it was openend at, they found it to be the seventeenth ...Sarah Bower GospelPrint: Book
1600-1699'Then home to dinner; and after dinner to read in Rushworths "Collections" about the charge against the late Duke of Buckingham, in order to the fitting me to speak and u...Samuel Pepys John RushworthHistorical CollectionsPrint: Book
1600-1699'Before I went to bed, I sat up till 2 a-clock in my chamber, reading of Mr Hooke's "Microscopicall Observacions", the most ingenious book that I ever read in my life.'Samuel Pepys Robert HookeMicrographia [?]Print: Book
1600-1699'I sat down and read over the Bishop of Chichesters sermon upon the anniversary of the King's death - much cried up but methinks a mean sermon.'Samuel Pepys Dr Henry KingA sermon preached the 30th of January...1664Print: Book
1600-1699'and by and by comes a letter from Mr Coventry's own hand to him; which he never opened (which was a strange thing) but did give it me to open and read, and consider what...Samuel Pepys Sir William Coventry[letter]Manuscript: Letter
1600-1699'This day the News-book (upon Mr Moores showing Lestrange Captain Ferrers letter) did do my Lord Sandwich great right as to the late victory.'Samuel Pepys [n/a]The NewesPrint: Newspaper
1600-1699'at night home to look over my new books, and so late to bed.'Samuel Pepys [unknown][unknown]Print: Book
1600-1699'I met this noon with Dr Burnett, who told me, and I find in the news-book this week that he posted upon the Change, that whoever did spread that report that instead of t...Samuel Pepys [n/a]The IntelligencerPrint: Newspaper
1600-1699'and so we set out for Chatham - in my way overtaking some company, wherein was a lady, very pretty, riding single, her husband in company with her. We fell into talk, an...Samuel Pepys [unknown][copy of verses]Print: Unknown
1600-1699'At night home and supped; and after reading a little in Cowley's poems, my head being disturbed overmuch with business today, I to bed.'Samuel Pepys Abraham Cowley[poems]Print: Book
1600-1699'At night to read, being weary with this day's great work.'Samuel Pepys [unknown][unknown]Print: Book
1600-1699'and after supper to read melancholy alone, and then to bed.'Samuel Pepys [unknown][unknown]Print: Book
1600-1699'And so home to supper; and after reading a good while in the Kings "works", which is a noble book - to bed.'Samuel Pepys [King] [Charles I]The workes of Charles IPrint: Book

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