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the experience of reading in Britain, from 1450 to 1945...

Reading Experience Database UK Historical image of readers

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30503 records found. (displaying 20 per page)


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 √ Century of ExperienceEvidenceName of Reader / Listener / Reading GroupAuthor of TextTitle of TextForm of Text
1800-1849Diary entry. August 4th, 1831: "After nearly 3 quarters of an hour, Mrs. Boyd advised me to go in to him. I went. Heard him repeat some passages from Aeschylus, which h...Elizabeth Barrett Browning Aeschylus[unknown]Unknown
1800-1849Diary entry. October 18th, 1831: "From thence I went in to Mr. Boyd who had breakfasted. I spent a happy day with him, hearing him repeat passages from the Prometheus, ...Elizabeth Barrett Browning AeschylusPrometheus BoundUnknown
1800-1849Diary entry. October 20th, 1831: "Was in Mr. Boyd’s room before nine. Heard him say over the passages in the Prometheus"Elizabeth Barrett Browning AeschylusPrometheus BoundUnknown
1900-1945Except Shakespeare, who grew from childhood as part of myself, nearly every classic has come with this same shock of almost intolerable enthusiasm: Virgil, Sophocle...Freya Stark Aeschylus[unknown]Print: Unknown
1850-1899'I read a little Byron for my own amusement then a number of Aesop's Fables for the amusement of the youngsters. The evening seemed quite short in consequence of the empl...John Buckley Castieau AesopFablesPrint: Book
1800-1849'I faintly remember going through Aesop's Fables, the first Greek book which I read. The Anabasis, which I remember better, was the second.'John Stuart Mill AesopFablesPrint: Book
'Maybe to neutralise the Penny Dreadful, Cassells brought out the Penny Classics. These had a bluish-green cover and were world famous novels in abridged form, but sixty ...Joseph Stamper AesopFablesPrint: Book
1600-1699'So home and read to my wife a Fable or two in Ogleby's "Aesop"; and so to supper and then to prayers and to bed'Samuel Pepys AesopAesop's FablesPrint: Book
1800-1849[italics]'S. Livy p.532 - Cumis, (adeo minimis etiam rebum prava religio inserit Deos) mures in aede Jovis aurum rosisse 556. 2 vol. Maie says that if we had met the Empe...Percy Bysshe Shelley AesopFablesPrint: Book
1800-1849‘... The ancient fables attributed to Aesop, Phaedrus, Pilpay, Avienus etc., are emblems or...allegories rather than Fables, most probably suggested by the Zoographic H...Hartley Coleridge AesopFablesPrint: Book
1900-1945'To bunk. Finished reading Aldington's brochure on Lawrence. A slight thing. Odds. Wrote home. Reading. Supper. Finished reading Book I of "Golden Treasury". Sisters and ...William Soutar Aldington[brochure on Lawrence]Print: Unknown
1800-1849Fanny Kemble, journal letter to Harriet St. Leger, 27 June 1835, listing 'the books just now lying on my table, all of which I have been reading lately': 'Alfieri's "L...Fanny Kemble AlfieriLifePrint: Book
1800-1849Mary Berry, Journal, 4 November 1811: 'In the evening Mrs. Damer and I read Alfieri in Italian -- but what Italian! so stuffed with Tuscanisms, so fraught with words imm...Mary Berry and Anne Damer AlfieriunknownPrint: Book
1800-1849'Annabella was now [in 1812] reading Cowper's Iliad and annotating every second line; she was studying Alfieri with the family-solicitor's daughter; for relaxation condes...Anne Isabella Milbanke and 'the family-solicitor's daughter' Alfieri Print: Book
1800-1849'Tuesday May 18th. [...] Read Alfieri's Tragedy of Mirra [...] Read 9 & 10th Canto of Dante's Purgatorio.'Claire Clairmont AlfieriMirraPrint: Book
1800-1849From Elizabeth Missing Sewell's Journal, 31 December 1846: 'I read a little now, and am almost afraid I am learning to do without reading. Napoleon's battles in Aliso...Elizabeth Missing Sewell Alisonaccounts of Napoleon's battlesPrint: Unknown
1900-1945[I am reading this] 'Because I've got a ten week's old baby. (Practical Psychology: Allen)' AllenPractical PsychologyPrint: Book
1850-1899'In 1885 he [Tennyson] came across Amiel's Journal Intime, and thought his criticisms on Hugo and literature in general good; but that the Journal throughout was too morb...Alfred Tennyson AmielJournal IntimePrint: Book
1800-1849?As spring and autumn were our only really busy seasons, I had occasionally , during other parts of the year, considerable leisure, which, if I could procure a book that ...Samuel Bamford AnachaisesTravels in GreecePrint: Book
1800-1849"In Lincoln, I now took up the Memorabilia of Xenophon, ran through the Odes of Anacreon, ..."Thomas Cooper AnacreonOdes of AnacreonPrint: Book

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