Record Number: 7500
Reading Experience:
[Marginalia]: Some blanks, left by printer, have been completed in either ink or pencil. The data entered covers numbers of crew, dates and costings. There are also copious marginal notes, connected to deleted lines of text: eg. p.25 has lines 2-9 deleted and in the margin 'It is proposed to obtain by contribution the sum of ?32000 the sum required for building & equipping the vessel; and x[ie continue with the text]'
Century:1700-1799, 1800-1849
Type of Experience(Reader):
silent aloud unknown
solitary in company unknown
single serial unknown
solitary in company unknown
single serial unknown
Reader / Listener / Reading Group:
Reader: Age:Unknown
Date of Birth:n/a
Socio-Economic Group:Unknown/NA
Country of Origin:unknown
Country of Experience:unknown
Listeners present if any:e.g family, servants, friends
Additional Comments:
Text Being Read:
Author: Title:Prospectus of a plan for the building and equipment of a frigate to be employed in sailing between London and Calcutta; touching at the Cape of Good Hope; for the conveyance of passengers only
Genre:Social Science, Science
Form of Text:Print: Book
Publication DetailsLondon: W. McDowall, 1824
Source Information:
Record ID:7500
Source - Manuscript:Other
Annotated volume in the Dunimarle Library of the Erskines of Torrie in Fife, "Prospectus of a plan for the building and equipment of a frigate to be employed in sailing between London and Calcutta; touching at the Cape of Good Hope; for the conveyance of passengers only", (London,1824), various pages, [DH LIB 1288].
Additional Information:
Annotated volume in the Dunimarle Library of the Erskines of Torrie in Fife, "Prospectus of a plan for the building and equipment of a frigate to be employed in sailing between London and Calcutta; touching at the Cape of Good Hope; for the conveyance of passengers only", (London,1824), various pages, [DH LIB 1288].,, accessed: 13 March 2025
Additional Comments:
It is possible that the annotations have some connection with John Drummond Erskine who was the main book collector, served in Bengal with the East India Company and retained a strong interest in related affairs but the work does not have his usual provenance.