Record Number: 28856
Reading Experience:
'At last, son of night, I receive a communication […] Oh no, it is not the penny. It is the one-volume story demanded by Hueffer for the New Tarterly [sic]. It’s a real story, damned fine; but the dénouementdoesn’t please me yet: the beginning is so good, that it is difficult to get up to that pitch again, and the story sort of dies away.'
Date:Between Dec 1877 and 15 Feb 1878
Place:city: Paris
Type of Experience(Reader):
silent aloud unknown
solitary in company unknown
single serial unknown
solitary in company unknown
single serial unknown
Reader / Listener / Reading Group:
Reader: Age:Adult (18-100+)
Date of Birth:13 Nov 1850
Socio-Economic Group:Professional / academic / merchant / farmer
Country of Origin:Scotland
Country of Experience:France
Listeners present if any:e.g family, servants, friends
Additional Comments:
Text Being Read:
Author: Title:n/a
Genre:Personal letter from Henley to RLS.
Form of Text:Manuscript: Letter
Publication Detailsn/a
Source Information:
Record ID:28856
Source:Robert Louis Stevenson
Editor:Bradford A. Booth
Title:The Letters of Robert Louis Stevenson, April 1874-July 1879
Place of Publication:New Haven and London
Date of Publication:1994
Additional Comments:
Letter 512, To W.E. Henley, [? 15 February 1878], [Paris]. Co-editor Ernest Mehew. The foregoing material in square brackets has been added by the editors.
Robert Louis Stevenson, Bradford A. Booth (ed.), The Letters of Robert Louis Stevenson, April 1874-July 1879, (New Haven and London, 1994), 2, p. 242-3,, accessed: 13 March 2025
Additional Comments:
Note 1 to Letter 512 reads: "This may well be a continuation of Letter 510, after receipt of a letter from Henley", the said letter from Henley, solicited by RLS at the end of Letter 510, now being the RE, to which RLS is replying.
Francis Hueffer was the editor of The New Quarterly Magazine. Is this a reference to ‘The Story of a Lie’? which had been ‘apparently commissioned by Kegan Paul for the New Quarterly Magazine, where it eventually appeared in October 1879’ (vol. 2, p.302, Note 3 to Letter 600).