Record Number: 10322
Reading Experience:
'at ten o'clock yesterday evening little Jem Parsons (the cabin boy), and his friend the black terrier, came on deck, and sat themselves on a gun-carriage, to read by the light of the moon. I looked at the boy's book, (the terrier, I suppose, read over the other's shoulder,) and found that it was "The Sorrows of Werter". I asked who had lent him such a book, and whether it amused him? He said that it had been made a present to him, and so he had read it almost through, for he had got to Werter's dying; though, to be sure, he did not understand it all, nor like very much what he understood; for he thought the man a great fool for killing himself for love. I told him I thought that every man a great fool who killed himself for love or for any thing else: but he had no books but "The Sorrows of Werter"? - oh dear yes, he said, he had a great many more; but he had got "The Adventures of a Louse", which was a very curious book, indeed; and he had got besides "The Recess", and "Valentine and Orson", and "Roslin Castle", and a book of Prayers, just like the Bible; but he could not but say that he liked "The Adventures of a Louse" the best of any of them.'
Date:Until: 11 Dec 1815
Place:other location: on a ship
Type of Experience(Reader):
silent aloud unknown
solitary in company unknown
single serial unknown
solitary in company unknown
single serial unknown
Reader / Listener / Reading Group:
Reader: Age:Child (0-17)
Date of Birth:n/a
Socio-Economic Group:Labourer (non-agricultural)
Occupation:cabin boy
Country of Origin:England?
Country of Experience:n/a
Listeners present if any:e.g family, servants, friends
Additional Comments:
Text Being Read:
Author: Title:Roslin Castle
Genre:Fiction, History
Form of Text:Print: Book
Publication Detailsn/a
Source Information:
Record ID:10322
Source:Matthew Lewis
Title:Journal of a West India Proprietor, Kept During a Residence in The Island of Jamaica
Place of Publication:Oxford
Date of Publication:1999
Additional Comments:
Matthew Lewis, Journal of a West India Proprietor, Kept During a Residence in The Island of Jamaica, (Oxford, 1999), p. 20,, accessed: 13 March 2025
Additional Comments: