'I am reading Hall's book, but will read it through before I say a word about it, for I find my opinion changes so much between the first and third volume of a book'.
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Sydney Smith Print: Book
'Have you read Hall's America? If you have, I hope you dislike it as much as I do. It is amusing but very unjust and unfair. It will make his fortune at the Admiralty. Then he temporizes about the Slave Trade; with which no man should ever hold parley, but speak of it with abhorrence, as the greatest of all human abominations'.
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Sydney Smith Print: Book
'I did not write one syllable of Hall's book. When first he showed me his manuscript, I told him it would not do; it ws too witty and brilliant. He then wrote it over again, and I told him it would do very well indeed; and it [italics] has [end italics] done very well. He is a very painstaking person'.
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Sydney Smith Print: Book
'Read voyage to Corea'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Mary Shelley Print: Book
Harriet Countess Granville to her sister, Lady Georgiana Morpeth, from The Hague (June 1824):
'What a pretty book Captain Hall's is [...] George's verses gave me the greatest pleasure. I prefer the first, which I think beautiful. The last are full of soul and subject; but I think there is a little confusion dans la marche.'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Harriet Countess Granville Print: Book
Harriet Countess Granville to her sister, Lady Georgiana Morpeth, from The Hague (June 1824):
'What a pretty book Captain Hall's is [...] George's verses gave me the greatest pleasure. I prefer the first, which I think beautiful. The last are full of soul and subject; but I think there is a little confusion dans la marche.'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Harriet Countess Granville Print: Book
Wednesday, 13 April 1831:
'My nap [same afternoon] was a very short one and was agreeably replaced by Basil Hall's Fragments of Voyages. Every thing about the i[n]side of a vessell is interesting and my friend has the great sense to know this is the case.'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Walter Scott Print: Book