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The Robert Minter Collection: A Handlist of Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century Trumpet Repertory

Trevor Herbert

Number of records: 1044     Go to: [1]   2  3  4  5  6   7   8  9  10  11  12    [53]

IDCat NoComposerDateTitleInstrumentsSourceGenreNotes
122 A1122 GABRIELLI, D l17C Sonata a 6 Trp. Str. Cont. I:Bsp D.XI.7 Fantasia This is a multi-mvt. sonata. Gabrielli was a Bolognese composer. Sonata No.2 Ed. Tarr (London) 1968. A vlc. virtuoso. 
123 A1123 LOBKOWITZ, Prince l17C Carousel in C Trp. Ob. Bass. S:Uu Inst.mus.hs 4:11 March A single piece. 
124 A1124 ECCLES, J 1701 Air and Chorus 4 Trp. Timp. Cont. Unspec. Opera Air and chorus from 'The Judgment of Paris', pp.48-59. 
125 A1125 SCARLATTI, A 1706 Sinfonia Trp. Str. Cont. D:Mus Hs 3937 Opera A full score. Title: Serenata a 4 for Trp. concertina and concerto grosso (both 2-part) plus cont. From the opera Venere, Ad.ed.A. 
126 A1126 TORELLI, G l17C Sonata a 5 Trp. Str. Cont. I:Bsp D.V.9 Sonata A sonata da chiesa format. 
127 A1127 BOYCE, W e18C Voluntaries for organ Organ Unspec. Voluntary Voluntaries 1, 3, 5, 6 - in two parts larghetto-vivace (using Trp./echo stop). 
128 A1128 TELEMANN, e18C Trumpet Concerto No.22 Trp. Ob. Str. Cont. D:Ds Concerto Concerto No. 22 in full score. 
129 A1129 HART, P c1700 Air 'The Trumpets Sound' Trp. Bass. Cont. Unspec. Aria From 'Ode to Harmony'. 
130 A1130 HERTEL, J W m18C Concerto a 5 Trp. Ob. Fg. O.H.Noetzel Ed. (1959) 31 Concerto The fac. is ref. [ ] Litt.W.7682. 
131 A1131 MANCINI, F 1708 2 Arias Trp. Str. Cont. D:Mus ms.2458 Opera Both arias from Act III of Turno Aricino. 
132 A1132 HERTEL m18C Concerto a 6 Trp. Ob. Str. Cont. [ / ] Litt.W.7685 Concerto Trp. tacet in 2nd mvt. Arioso. A 3-mvt. work. 
133 A1133 HERTEL, J W m18C Trumpet concerto in Eb Trp. Str. Cont. [ / ]5566 Concerto A version of Tarr cf.A1122. It is given as No.2. 
134 A1134 ALBERTI, G M l17C Sinfonie teatrali Trp. Str. Cont. I:Bsp D.XIII.2 Sinfonias In two parts: The first part is in ternary (aria) form - the second consists of an adagio leading to a triple-time allegro (binary form). 
135 A1135 TORELLI, G l17C Sinfonia a 4 Trp. Str. Cont. I:Bsp D.V.7 Sinfonia Identical to overture to "Nerone fatto Cesare" 1693 Perti. Parts missing - vlc. spezzato, violone, original title page. 
136 A1136 ANON c1700 Sinfonia a 2 trombe Trp. Str. Cont. A:Wn E.M.151 Sinfonia In sonata da chiesa form.
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137 A1137 ANON n.d. Suite in Bb Trp. Str. Cont. Unspec. Suite (orch.) Only treble and bass extant. Trp. ind. on treble part.
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138 A1138 HOFFNER, A l17C Sonata a 8 2 Trp. Fg. Str. Cont. Unspec. Sonata 3 mvts. There is a violetta (treble) and 2 violas (alto) indicated. 
139 A1139 SCARLATTI, A 1693 Sinfonia in D [Trp. Pos. Fl. Str. Cont.] I:Nc [ ] Sinfonia The overture to oratorio La Giuditta, Ed. by De Santis, Rome E.D.S.1029. In 4 part: 2 Trp. A.B. The 3rd mvt. has Trp. or Vln. in unison for the top 5th part. 
140 A1140 MOLTER, J M m18C Sinfonia Concertante in D No.2 Trp. Corn. Ob. Fg. D:Ka Ms.Mus.338 Symphony In hand of E.H.Tarr. 5 mvts.: quick-largo-march-alla breve-minuet. 
141 A1141 SCHURMANN, G C 1726 Aria in Eb Trp. Str. Cont. PAMw, xvii Opera aria Aria from Act II, Sc.16 of Ludwig der Fromme (L. the Pious). In original this aria is deleted and replaced by soprano aria by