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The Robert Minter Collection: A Handlist of Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century Trumpet Repertory

Trevor Herbert

Number of records: 1044     Go to: [1]   24  25  26  27  28   29   30  31  32  33  34    [53]

IDCat NoComposerDateTitleInstrumentsSourceGenreNotes
563 A1564 PURCELL, H 1694 Overture "Come Ye Sons of Art" [Z323] Trp. Ob. Str. Cont. Novello 15044 Ode Score: key D. Largo-Allegro [with double imit. subj.]-Adagio [Trp. tacet/key b]-Minuet (marked Ritornello in score). 
564 A1565 MYSLIVECEK, J 18C Notturno Cl. Corn. Str. 2 Soli. CS:Rkp. 2 Konce 18. stol. No. 114 [Mss. at end of 18C] Duet Score: key C. Form - da capo. 
565 A1566 HANDEL, G F 1732 Aria "Acis & Galatea" Trp. Ob. Str. Cont. H.W.53 Opera Score: key D. Form = da capo, Bass Aria pp.11-15. 
566 A1567 HANDEL, G F 1746 Chorus "Sing unto the Lord" Trp. Timp. Ob. Str. Cont. H.W.22 Oratorio Score: key D. Chorus from "Judas Maccabaeus": Trp. play after solo/ with chorus: pp.190-197. 
567 A1568 HANDEL, G F 1746 Aria "With honour let" Trp. Ob. Str. Cont. T. solo H.W.22 Oratorio Score: key a. Judas Maccaeus's own aria, pp.199-203. 
568 A1569 COPERARIO, J 17C 2 Suites Vln. Bass viol. Cont. S & B 5309 Suite Suite No.1 (98 a-d: key C: Fantasia-Alman-Ayre). Suite No.2 (99 a-c): key d: Fantasia-Alman-Ayre. 
569 A1570 JANNEQUIN, C 16C Part-song 'Martin' S1/2. A.B. Unspec. Chanson Key (mode) g: suggested setting for 2 Trp. Alto + Bass Pos. 
570 A1571 HANDEL, G F 1704 Suite from "Almira" Ob. Str. Cont. H.W.55 Suite (opera)  
571 A1572 WERNER, G m18C Overture "Daniel" Str. Cont. Unspec. 7 1744 Overture Overture (French = Adagioso-Allegro without repeats): key d: bars 9 + 38 [47]. 
572 A1573 BONONCINI, G B e18C Aria "Vanne Abbatti" Trp. Str. Cont. S. solo Unspec. Aria Key D: bars 46 [da capo at 30]. From D Smithers collection. 
573 A1574 CROFT, W 18C Voluntary No.3 Org. [trp. stop] GB:Lbl Add.5336 Voluntary Key D. Attrib. to W Croft from "A set of 12 voluntaries". 
574 A1575 PEZEL, J 1670 Turm sonata 2 Ctt. 3 Pos. Unspec. Sonata Pub. Leipzig: Adagio [binary form]: key e. Ref. "Hora Decima" set of sonatas. 
575 A1576 FUX, J J 18C Balletto I Ob. Str. Cont. S.A.T.B. A:Wdto XVII Incidental Key G: marked "coro di salii, che si balla": lma vta. with repeats/2da vta. without. 
576 A1577 ZACHOW, F W 17C Cantata of Annunciation Trp. Str. Cont. Coro. Soli. D.D.T.XXI.XXII Cantata Cantata "Ich will mich mit dir verloben": Chorus-Aria 1 (vs.1)-II (vs.2)-II (vs.3)-I (vs.4)-Chorus (da capo)(palindromic arrangement).A1578 
577 A1578 PURCELL, H l17C Suite "Timon of Athens" [Z632] Trp. Str. Cont. Nov. 5686 Masque Version in key D for Trp. comprises Overture-Adagio [d]-Allegro. Trp. tacet in adagio. Ed. notes on copy. 
578 A1579 HANDEL, G F 1750 Grand Entree "Alceste" Trp. Ob. Str. Cont. H.W.46B Opera Key D: Maestoso (binary form). 
579 A1580 SCARLATTI, A e18C 7 Arias Trp. S. solo. Cont. Unspec. Aria All arias: key D: No.6 in form of French minuet: pp.1-32 of mod. format (2 systems per page orig.). 
580 A1581 PURCELL, H 1690 "Dioclesian" Suite [Z627] Str. Cont. Nov. 10570 Masque First Music [key C]: Act 2 Tune [key C]-Dance of Furies [key C]: Act 3 Chaconne [c]-Butterfly + Chair Dance [C]. 
581 A1582 HANDEL, G F 1713 Jubilate Trp. Ob. Str. Cont. H.W.31 Chorus (anthem) Key D: solo and chorus, pp.46-49. from Utrecht Te Deum & Jubilate. 
582 A1583 BARRET, J 1790 Voluntary with cornet Org. * R.M.9.i.20/1-7 Voluntary Attribution on ms. evid. to Barrett.