The Open University





Military Music in Britain

The Diary of a Victorian Bandsman

British publishers of military music 1770-1880




The Diary of a Victorian Military Bandsman

Transcribed by Helen Barlow

William Shepherd, ‘Reminiscences of 54 Years with 1st Devon Militia’, [c. 1907]

joind the Army. lots went into our Adjutants old Regt 55th.
during our stay in Newport the Adjutant was pretty strict on the young Non. Coms at that time it was necessary for the Drum Major. to always have his Pen Knife sharp. for the purpose of taking off Stripes.
I saw three Serjeants deprived of them in one day, two for being out after the last Post. having been let out by the Serjt of the Guard. the Adjutant saw them in the Town and questioned them about their being out. they said they were on pass. he said nothing more to them, but when he returnd to Barracks, he told the Serjt of the Guard to collect their Passes and let him have it first thing in the Morning.
unfortunately, the Serjt of the Guard was a Staff Serjt, naturally the passes was not forthcoming, the whole of them was placed under arrest, and tried and all three reduced to the rank of private the Regt was formd up 3 sides of a square Prisoners and Escort the 4th Side. the Adjutant
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